Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
BringBackGoldy -Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
If they were real they would have gotten out like men. But they stayed in the bus saying their prayers. Like wtf
Throwin'Knuckles -I have enjoyed Conor's fights much more than Khabib's up until this point. Although they both completely suck at being active recently!
This is Khabibs second fight in 4 months.....
BringBackGoldy -Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
Damn, Conor’s fast as fuck
Strykr619 -tomtomthumb -oranos -Where's Khabib at though? He provoked SBG team, it warranted a response, he wasn't there. Bitch move.
All Mcdummy had to do is sign a contract to fight khabib but he’s scared to fight him so he shows up with 20 dirtbag thugs and throw shit at a bus with half the ufc fight card on it, knowing damn well nobody will be let off the bus…what a genius this Mcdumcokehead is…
So its ok for Khabib the muklo to walk around with dem jihad homies but Conor has to roll solo?
Sound logic bruh…
Who said anything about Conor having to roll solo? BRUH
Yeah, where Khabib is from the passengers in their cars are their RPGs....but he was scared of that shit.
MORE THAN A FEELING -which pixel is khabib?
why would khabib get out and risk losing his title fight.He’s not a dumbfuck cokehead like Conor
BrckNoHitBk -Yeah, where Khabib is from the passengers in their cars are their RPGs....but he was scared of that shit.
Anime Frog Jr -Malvert the Janitor -Anime Frog Jr -not as shook as flying in from another continent because someone smacked your homie lmao.
Khabib doesn't need a place to stay while he and Conor are both in NY, he is already living in Conor's head RENT FREE
Yeah, you’re not smart.
conor was so buttmad that according to his worshippers he flew in to town just to break a window and make a fool of himself.
The ultimate troll job by Khabib, Conor flies across the atlantic, breaks the law, looks like a child, and could possibly end up facing long term rammifications to his earning potential if this impacts his ability to fight in the US (since the US is where all the big money is).
Vegito Blue -BringBackGoldy -Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
If they were real they would have gotten out like men. But they stayed in the bus saying their prayers. Like wtf
Where khabib comes from if 20 guys run up on your bus then you are about to die.
You sound silly going on about being real.
ShoreBreaker -BringBackGoldy -Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
Damn, Conor’s fast as fuck
Check the video from the inside of the has sound.
BringBackGoldy -Vegito Blue -BringBackGoldy -Nobody in the bus realised who it was until they were backing out of the garage and the bus had been hit twice by Conor by then.
If they were real they would have gotten out like men. But they stayed in the bus saying their prayers. Like wtf
Where khabib comes from if 20 guys run up on your bus then you are about to die.
You sound silly going on about being real.
Where I come from when someone is throwing a Dolly at your for God’s sake and puts your life at risk, you fight back
Detroit > Russia
Is the picture of Corey Feldman related?
I'm sure keeping Artem on has been a part of Conor's contract. He's simply not an elite fighter - he's defeated two fighters in the UFC, one went on to lose and leave (/was most likely dropped); the other, is seemlingly on his way out.
Also, surely the above posters are trolling when they speak of Khabib acting like a coward during that moment.
Come on, really.
He's doing a weight cut; they're on a bus; they don't really know what's going on outside; and they've been blind-sided by a mob of morons. Shocked, maybe. Scared, nah.
The only person scared is the dumbass running from the scene (a la Jones). Nice one Conor, you prick.
Someone get khabib a sammich! Jeebus Allah he looks bad
oranos -Where's Khabib at though? He provoked SBG team, it warranted a response, he wasn't there. Bitch move.
Someone needs to take your hip hop.
tomtomthumb -oranos -Where's Khabib at though? He provoked SBG team, it warranted a response, he wasn't there. Bitch move.
All Mcdummy had to do is sign a contract to fight khabib but he’s scared to fight him so he shows up with 20 dirtbag thugs and throw shit at a bus with half the ufc fight card on it, knowing damn well nobody will be let off the bus…what a genius this Mcdumcokehead is…
What contract? Where is this bout agreement you speak of?