Khabib weighing in on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

I find it curious how in cases like that native speakers sometimes say “off of” or just “off” in seemingly same situations

Geez what an anti-semite you are

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Too bad they didn’t level that building like the Hamas Headquarters

Will never be peace until they have it all.

Like southwestern Hispanics say, “get off the car” meaning get out of?

I don’t know southwestern Hispanics’ ways of speaking.

Definitely not all, but it’s common to hear that said like that.

You strongly support settlers coming into the US illegally
Yet you’re against Israel settling in Palestine

The irony that will surely be missed…

I think “off of” is the proper way but people tend to drop the “of” in casual conversation. Well, lazy people like me do it.

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Thank you.

They usually say “get down”.

This is why so many African American soldiers died during the Vietnam war. Everytime the sergeant said “get down” they would stand up and start dancing.

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The majority of my family, myself included are Mexican but I hear them say it both ways. My Arizona Mexican family says get down and get off equally. We make fun of them here in California lol

If the Muslim world doesn’t accept Israel’s right to exist then I blame Israel for nothing.
Any aggression from them is defensive- even taking land.
Because in the end the Israelis want peace and the muslims want Israel gone.
Given that that is a fact I cannot blame Israel for anything they do. They cannot trust they won’t get attacked from any direction at any time.
It’s just the same anti white shit that goes on everywhere that the modern left is pushing all over the world.
The jews are closer to white so they are the bad guys.
It’s just the same pure racism that has infected the minds of the left


Point out Palestine on a map…

Oh wait…


So if Israel stops attacking the Muslims will stop sending missiles? And they’ll all agree Israel has a right to exist?
U think your helping the Muslims by spouting the nonsense but u are not. U hurt them. You’d help them saying
“Look Israel isn’t going away so we must go to the table and accept them and learn to live with them,”
Cauae guess what? Israel coukd blow them all off the map. And they don’t. Even tho is Syria had the power they would kill every jew.
We all know this right?
That the Jews do not want all the Muslims dead cause if they did then they’d all be dead. They just wanna be left alone.
Or are u too ignorant of the conflict to know even that?
U will not win this.
Israelis grew up there and they won’t leave.
Not recognizing their right to exist only gets islamists killed.
And it always will.


What an idiot you are.


Khabibi will swoop in on the infidels like an Eagle.

Ahhh I see. I’m a haole guy from Hawaii but have been married into a Mexican family for over 20 years. Guess where? Phoenix lol

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