Khabib would f^ck Colby up

Conor used IV’s and steroids to get down to 145.

Totally natural

Juicehead Conor

I think Gaethje slugs it out more but by no means is a better fighter than Colby.

He’s thick as fuck because he has a smaller frame and has to have more muscle mass to make the weight…

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This is remedial shit…

Steroid cheat Conor had nothing for Khabib. Pillow fisted Colby has never hit anyone this hard in his life.


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We all know Colby would take the fight with sheep fucker in a second, Khabib not so much. He retired before even trying to fight a top WW.


God I would love to see this fight. The things Colby would say about Khabib…. Omg

Too bad Khabib/Ali said fighters should blacklist Colby LMFAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t see how the argument of khabib cuts weight so he was the size advantage is valid when hes within a few pounds of his opponents on fight night . Doesn’t make sense to me


and the biggest forum jockrider goes to…

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This is a troll thread, but I’ll respond since I like the discussion.

We have never seen Khabib against a real MMA wrestler or BJJer. We have seen Colby against both. Khabib wouldn’t be bringing anything to Colby that Colby hasn’t already seen before from bigger, better guys, whereas facing someone with Colby’s wrestling skill would be brand new for Khabib.

Khabib’s issue has always been the glaring lack of depth in competition.


I’ll give it to Khabib that he got out at the right time and keeps his “legacy” in tact. But hiding at 155 will always be a knock. He missed weight multiple times including a brush with death. He even missed weight his last fight, while naked, and still needed a home cooked weigh-in. Many of his best wins were against guys who fought or fight at 145 as well. He lacked budo.


Just desperate strawgrasping from those jealous of Khabib’s 29-0.

Missing weight has less to do with size and more to do with people using roids and formerly IV’s to make cuts easier on them.

Colby has still beat absolutely nobody. The highlight of his career is losing to Usman.

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Yeah, this is a myth.

What’s an MMA wrestler/grappler? Shalorous? Breaking the TD record on Trujillo? D1 Gaethje? 4th degree BJJ Blackbelt RDA who Khabib ran through and took Colby down 4 times?

Colby has never fought a Russian wrestler grappler. You’re basing this statement off Colby’s losses to Usman lol

Here’s Usmans sparring partner and bff.

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Of course Justin will say that. It would be embarrassing not to.

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Retired guy is retired.

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I’m not a khabib fan but I honestly feel he went easy on Al

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Wasn’t that his title fight? He’s going easy on a guy for the title?

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LOL at a title fight against Al Iaquinta.

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We all like Gaethje and can acknowledge khabib is great,but he has done nothing but lick khabib’s ass ever since he got ran over.

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Hi my name is Khabib! Goat MMA guy.

Oh cool Khabib who did you defeat to win the belt?

“al i Iaquinta”

Oh cool who was your first title defense?

“featherweight Conor Mcgregor”

Or nice the second one?

“featherweight Dustin Porier”


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