Khamzat Bailed on 300 Main Against Edwards Because April 13 Timeline

“I KILL EVERYBODY!!!..….some other time”


" I fight everybody!!!" …

under these very specific conditions, my coach deems ok for me"


This guy needs new people around him, he could be huge but is wasting so much time.

How about know the date of UFC 300 well in advance and be training to get onto a historic card you dumb shit.

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Not eating during daylight would totally fuck up weight cutting. And yes, it would also make training more difficult/dangerous.

Ramadan is pretty fucking dumb in modern times; however, if a guy is going to stick to it, he won’t be performing well if he fights during that time.

I disagree. Ramadan is just not eating food during daylight so you can eat breakfast before sunrise and then eat after it gets dark which is the usual time you would eat dinner anyway. Why would that make training dangerous? A lot of fighters fast to some degree leading up to a weight cut and plenty of people only eat one meal a day including athletes such as that nerdy jiu jitsu guy. it simply wouldn’t be dangerous and if anything it would help khamzat immensely to make weight at welterweight. The way these guys usually make weight is far more dangerous where they bulk up and then cut a massive amount of water weight for the weight cut and then rehydrate with IV’s in order to give themselves a weight advantage in the fight, like when Khamzat tried to cut from 200 down to 170 to fight scrawny nate diaz, or when Islam cut 40 pounds to fight a featherweight moving up to fight him. Or when khabib pulled out of several fights due to kidney issues from cutting weight.

Fasting and keeping your weight down leading up to the cut is way safer, they just wouldn’t have the huge weight advantage they usually have and that’s why they both turned down a title shot after both claiming they would beat Leon easily. lol.

As far as Ramadan being dumb in modern times I don’t know what you mean, intermittent fasting has been proven to be hugely beneficial by countless studies.

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Disagree - he’s undefeated with this team. If he was part of a team that fought wherever/whenever then he would have multiple losses already.

He’s being protected like a boxer with his current team…


Yeah he’s very beatable. He needs to be managed carefully to avoid it.

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True, might be wasting time though. Most people acknowledge he has lost his aura. But I guess if he had fought and lost a few it would be totally gone.


Ramadan= no food and drinks from sunrise to sunset.
In the summer they are so fucked.

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Sounds like Ramadan is just intermittent fasting

If they can’t drink water during their fast, then I can see it being more troublesome

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They can’t eat or drink. It’s very different from intermittent fasting.

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Okay my bad yall, came back to admit that I didnt know they couldn’t drink water during ramadan.

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