I think he could have thrown a knee or literally got on his bike and ran for the first two rounds.

Stretching your body out so a takedown artist can pounce on you is the worst opening move possible IMO.

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Khamzat can be a douche but his performances are real. You guys are making a ton of excuses. He just made Holland look like a white belt. He has tapped out 2 blackbelts in the UFC with minimal effort.

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Heā€™s a douche, and a real tough dude.

But this fight reminded me of when Rhondaā€™s opponents would set themselves up to lose instantly.

Just a terrible opening gambit from KH.

That sucked.

Holland gave him that takedown and we didnt really get to see a fight. Itā€™s like the started the fight on the ground.

I wanted Diaz/Kaz

Holland is a legit black belt and Khamzat made him look like a white belt. Khamzat is puttint any 170lber on their back. If you want him to lose it better be a flash ko or hoping he gasses from beating the shit out of you.

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you want a faster fight?

love how fighters missing weight tonight lost 20 and 30% of their purse

but because the ufc would lose huge buys due to fat chimaev, they gifted him a catch weight - after weigh ins

and he kept his whole purse

another Dana White special lolz


Well Nate wouldnā€™t have tried to high-five him at the start so maybe we woulda got a few more seconds

The biggest heel on earth and all it took was missing weight

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A lil Allahu Akbar didnā€™t hurt either

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Kevin Holland is dirty, he always tries to distract his opponents talking the whole fight. He was losing to Jacare, Jacare fell into his game and got koā€™d while smiling and trying to reply KH banter. So yeahā€¦

heā€™s the new Nikolai Volkoff

How is that dirty lol??

Talking to your opponent with the intention of getting a surprise ko is just as dirty as offering to touch hands and going for a takedown or knockout punch.

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no doubt

Michael Richards Ok GIF

Need to go watch from beginning to end, brb.

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Itā€™s a legit issue tho if he now has to focus on MW or not though. We knows what really happened but he canā€™t afford to let this happen again, he knows this despite his tough guy IDAF stance. And yes, he would be problems for Izzy.

One other thing people are overlooked by focusing on the persona and non-fighting stuff as usu is that he may be the most complete fighter (or potential to be with more development) in the game right now. I have stated that Charles might be the most dangerous double threat of striking and submissions we have seen so far but Khamzat has striking (while still raw), wrestling of course (and mma adaptable as we have already seen), GNP and subs.

Yes he is still developing and his cardio may not yet be where it needs but the Gil fight was also due to lack of experience in brawling out and he also has shown his chin.

No other fighter today presents the kind of range of skills he has. Khabib may have had the best all round grappling we have seen so far but his striking of course was not a threat. Charles doesnā€™t have the wrestling. GSP wasnā€™t the finishing threat standing or on the ground.

lmao okay you soft bitch

ā€œIā€™m gonna go to war with this guy, thereā€™s thousands of dollars on the line, along with my dignity and legacyā€¦he better not cheat by talking to me or I might get distracted because Iā€™m a fucking retarded gay baby!!!ā€

Jesus christ