Kimo Applies for CSAC Exec Position

this is just stupid!

max power -  
but governor arnold did plenty of roids too

The Governator used steroids before they were illegal. Steroids weren't scheduled as a controlled substance until 1990. What Arnold did was perfectly legal.

Can't say the same for Kimo.

FranklyWashedUp - Why do I trust him?

I think he's just a smooth talker!
Not really the question, but by all indications, he cant get any worse than Garcia.

Being a fighter and knowing the game fairly well after all these years, I would give him the benefit of the doubt!


"CSAC former director, Armando Garcia, was allegedly caught with $350,000 (in cash) in his locker,

Armando obviously never watched Get Shorty.....  lockers are always a sweatjob

PembrokePinesVillain - does no one remember him testing posi for meth and roids when he was supposed to fight bas? and bas was forced to leg kick the crap outta that poor fat inidian. somewhere an indian cried during that fight...


Bas also tested positive for that fight.

I think Kimo has a lot to offer.

He should be able to spot most any warning sign of potential trouble since he's possibly lived many of the situations he might encounter in the job.

I vote yes for Kimo.

junon -
PembrokePinesVillain - does no one remember him testing posi for meth and roids when he was supposed to fight bas? and bas was forced to leg kick the crap outta that poor fat inidian. somewhere an indian cried during that fight...


Bas also tested positive for that fight.


ghostofgibran - 
junon -
PembrokePinesVillain - does no one remember him testing posi for meth and roids when he was supposed to fight bas? and bas was forced to leg kick the crap outta that poor fat inidian. somewhere an indian cried during that fight...


Bas also tested positive for that fight.


Kimbo tested positive for steroids before the fight.

Bas tested positive for prescription pain killers (from memory) after the fight.

FingerorMoon - 
ghostofgibran - 
junon -
PembrokePinesVillain - does no one remember him testing posi for meth and roids when he was supposed to fight bas? and bas was forced to leg kick the crap outta that poor fat inidian. somewhere an indian cried during that fight...


Bas also tested positive for that fight.


Kimbo tested positive for steroids before the fight.

Bas tested positive for prescription pain killers (from memory) after the fight.

nice troll job but its KIMO not KIMBO and if I remember correctly your an idiot cause u cant test positive before the fight starts and then fight....KIMO tested positive after the fight for both meth and roids. i dunno where you got your info but ive never heard of bas testing posi, so please list a source

Bas did test positive against Warpath. He admitted he used to overcome an injury and apologized. He moved on and hasnt fought since.

bignightmare - Bas did test positive against Warpath. He admitted he used to overcome an injury and apologized. He moved on and hasnt fought since.

Ah yes I remember this now. I must've blocked it from memory due to my Bas nut-huggery.

 Any updates on whether Kimo got the job?

I suppose if he gets turned down, he can always just dress up like the commissioner.