Kimura's Versatility

I find that the kimura is such a great technique and I use it often throughout my rolls. It's an in-your-face, constant threat if utilized correctly. I use it to pass people's half-guards, disable them from passing my guard, and set up armbars, omoplatas, guillotines, neck cranks, reverse triangles, and more. Does anyone disagree?

I was wondering if there are any DVDs (or online videos) dedicated to this single technique that demonstrate how to effectively set up/use the kimura as well various transitions.

Jim Miller's got a nasty one!

didnt barnett or Paulson have a "chicken wing" dvd just devoted to the kimura???

look it up

And so did Sakuraba!

Ensanity - didnt barnett or Paulson have a "chicken wing" dvd just devoted to the kimura???

look it up
Thanks a lot, man.


Chris "the westside strangler" Brennan came out with one available on budo videos


Dude, I LOVE kimuras.

Got three guys with my kimura variation in tourny. Bluey?

skip to ~2:00

skip to ~1:00

The key is to lock the kimura on right side then swing your left leg all the way over their back and put your foot into their hip on the side you're attacking and push off their hip. This adds the power of an entire leg into the kimura rather than just upper body. I find it to be a death sentence once I interlock and swing my leg over. I can just keep rolling and rolling if they try to escape. Awesome counter to deep half guard too.

TtT Phone Post

Sub 4 later Phone Post

Question: why does Erik Paulson roll/pull (his opponent) into side-controlling him instead of rolling into giard, half-guard, or mount (which are all available for him)? I know he's Erik Effing Paulson but I'm confused by that. Maybe I'm just tired (and sick)...

The Mongoose - Sub 4 later Phone Post

. Phone Post

ttt for info and/or tips Phone Post

i wish i had some moves from kimura but i cant remember the last time i tapped someone with one! i always thought of it as a strong man move, i more favour armbars.

Kostakio - <p>Question: why does Erik Paulson roll/pull (his opponent) into side-controlling him instead of rolling into giard, half-guard, or mount (which are all available for him)? I know he's Erik Effing Paulson but I'm confused by that. Maybe I'm just tired (and sick)...</p>

yeah i agree it seems a bit risky cause if u lose the grip ur fucked and ur opponent is in a great position surely half guard would be better.

Chris Brennan's King of the Kimura DVD is a good one

Chris Brennan has two different DVD sets dedicated to the figure-four game. They will blow your mind. Phone Post

Where are they sold? Phone Post

This is my go to! Phone Post