MMA has three aspects, standing, ground, and takedowns. The first and third have either an outside or an inside (clinch) game. Clinching is debatably the most important aspect of MMA. Indisputably, it is the most under addressed aspect of multi media instruction.
Or it was. Adam and Rory Singer, accompanied by their staff at the hardcore gym have produced a landmark work on the subject. I am not sure how long it runs, but it took THREE DVDs to get it all in there. And it is all in there.
The DVDs use a comprehensive mix of standard DVD instructional techniques, seminar footage, voice overs of live action, and training segments. The material covers a detailed analysis of the components of clinch work, and moves into its most high percentage forms. On hour after hour of footage, both offense and defense, takedowns and striking, transitions and reversals, as well as many drills are covered in truly expert detail.
For the beginner interested in MMA, this is a must have. But the experienced competitor or trainer too will find the 3-DVD set truly valuable. For one thing, there are some tremendous variations on old favorites. But perhaps its greatest use for the skilled fighter lies in its organization. By breaking complex techniques down into component parts, you can intelligently analyze your game, and improve it.
Bottom line, if you are interested in MMA, get these DVDs. Do not wait for the Submission Bunny to bring them to you, get them now!
Kirik Jenness, Owner North America Grappling Association, Commissioner Fighter''s Noteboook & Fit to Fight, Author
Clinchin’ 2 DVD Ordering Information
Aaron Little
Performance Edge Productions
thats right with every dvd you order you can feel the warmth that comes with knowing you help save a forrest
Everyone needs to help Rory subsidize Forrests food requiernments.LOL
Joking aside, this is the best work done on maybe THE crucial part of our game. Even if you knew every single thing in there, were some world beating badass of badass proportions, I believe the organisation will make you a better fighter or trainer.
Wow Kirik! Thank you again for such a glowing recommendation.
I'm still waiting on my first clinch tape for donating
to the Kenny Allen fund...
Cam I really thought all those had gotten to everyone. Send me an address and I will send out the new DVD.
Rory, when is Adam doing a seminar in Az? Give me a call. My new # is 480 768 7391.
I will holla at you later Santino. Hope all is well and you are healing up.
Is the original "Clinching for the Street" DVD still available, or are they all gone?
How much overlap between the two DVDs is there?
Shawn I actually just got the original on DVD. It has been on VHS for the longest time. There really is not much overlap at all. They are both pretty unique.
Really? I thought it was always on DVD...
So where can people get it? I have a tax refund coming soon (hopefully).
You can get the original from my website
Go to the store. There is a link on the front page to get the newest DVD as well.
I'm looking at the store right now, but I don't see where to click for the DVD...only VHS.