There's some unspoken rules around here that I think many of you are not aware of.

So I am creating this thread to help you out.

1.  R instead of H- We use R instead of H when it's the first letter.  If you don't know why... Suicide yourself for the sake of MMA fans every where.

2.  Don't reveal the true meaning of acronyms, subtle references, or the validity of pictures/posts for at least 3 pages.  This makes every thing more fun.

3.  Use the SEARCH function before posting your "NEWS FLASH" that was already posted last week.

4.  All mud namers with less than 1000 posts are referred to as "KKM."

5.  There is always a number 5.

Please feel free to add any more unspoken rules that I may have forgotten.

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pics or gtfo with regards to all things female.

Mad Xyientist - pics or gtfo with regards to all things female.

 How could I forget?<!--Session data-->

 The following words are always spelled incorrectly...

Trane, moran, ironing, bolivian.<!--Session data-->


"4. All mud namers with less than 100 posts are referred to as "KKM."

WTF?? What kind of pansy KKM ass rule is this. It must be a TUF Noob who came up with that garbage. Back in MY day you had to get to 1000 posts before not being referred to as KKM. Kids nowadays are so damn lazy.

Tom O Bedlam -  The following words are always spelled incorrectly...

Trane, moran, ironing, bolivian.<!--Session data-->

fagit is spelled fagit... don't even think of spelling it the other way


Tom O Bedlam -  

Tom O Bedlam Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

Member Since: 4/8/08

Posts: 12460

22+ posts a day?


 yes, it's 1000 posts until you are no longer KKM, unless you've been a member for over 3 years

 ^^^lol^^^ good 1 robbie380

 no serious replies within the 1st page to any legitimate question. this rule has been repeatedly broken as of late

I think you need to look up the meaning of the term "unspoken rules".

Rules?  This mutha fuckah......

robbie380 -

22+ posts a day?


KKM is a sensitve subject for me.......

 ..can we just agree that your girl likes the anal.. oh wait wrong thread!!

Get the damn rules straight TOM O BEDLAM! OR else STFU!! You minus well work on your grammer too!


 my tits hurt