Knees are killing- Why?

Hey guys,

Well my knees feel like they are on fire. I have been working out religiously for the past month, 3x a week doing the same exercise but always increasing the intensity. The major moves are Clean & Press and Deadlift.

I actually deadlifted 205 today quite easily and I weigh 140. Is that good? Anyway, why are my knees starting to hurt? What should I do? Thanks.

Xen is right, the burning sensation is indicative of herpes. (it's a joke).

Is it a full clean and jerk, or a power variation?

The pull is ok, it really depends on your lifting experience.


Whenever you are lifting, at least anything involving your legs, keep your knees in line with your feet. If you are squatting or deadlifting, and your knees are straying inward, that is bad. Think about keeping your knees out, it will help.

Actually anatomicaly speaking your knees should be straight forward on a squat, to avoid any undue stress on the knee.

Dude Cassidy Drake that is not correct.  Your knees do not track straight as in infront of you.  They follow your feet.  Your knees can take A LOT OF STRESS if you build up to it.  Anyone fancy a 3x bodyweight rock bottom squat?  Well you build up to it.

Just take it easy on the clean and press for 2 or so sessions.  Your body isn't use to a lot of the stress's as you only been at it for a month.  You should be using light loads until you get your body strong enough to take the higher loads.  This is if you are untrained with weights.  If you are off f rom a long lay off I would do the same also.

At our OL club we get the kids (got 2 or maybe 4 if the other 2 come back again) doing 15reps x 3sets on everything.  The weight isn't heavy but they need the volume to get some basic strength before we get them to go higher intensity.   Just to make sure they put on some muscle, get stronger and get use to the movements also.  Remember when you are a beginner you want the chance to practice the moves more. 

Especially more important when you are doing anything more technical like Cleans.


you probably have to watch how much abuse your knees are taking overall in combination of weightlifting and judo. I know you have similar moves to me (being some of the shorter players- drop seio and tai) in judo which are very knee-intensive.

An odd thing about judo/weightlifting comparison is in judo, I've always heard to keep you feet parrallel when coming back up on drop seio(even on the favorable side of pointing your toes inward towards each other). While in weightlifting it's generally known that your toes should point slightly outside for maximum strength and alignment of the legs.

Thanks guys for the info. Its a full power clean into a press. My knees are starting to adapt I think. Just dead lifted 225 today. By the way, I am 5'3 @ 142, fight at 132.

The squat have alignment of the knees in many different positions. Some healthy some not. It also depends on the width of your stance as well.

By the way, cleans are my favorite exercise. They are a great exercise on many levels.


Try doing a power variant for a little bit, while still practicing the full version with a lighter weight, if the pain persists.

And dont trust Heang "wobbly knees" Koing. ;)


Please offer a rundown of where your knees should be during different stances in the squats. I'm sure the westsiders could learn a thing or two from you since they advise pushing the knees outward.

Favorably, however, they also like to point the toes as forward as is comfortable, even on the widest squats.


Burning sounds like tendinitis. Rest/ice for a while. I cycled alot to increase the bloodflow and alleviate the pain, when I had severe tendinitis from jumping.

Like most exercise you may want to consider your recovery periods. I did some body building for about a year and TRIED to keep up my Judo - my knees felt like shite too... actually all my joints ached! You can only do so much in a given amount of time, manage you workload and intensity and insure that you've got recovery booked in too.

That being said, it could be anything at all... if it is hindering your lifestyle get some expert advice.

what kind of deadlift are you doing? for me, sumo style aggravates my knees-but regular gives me no problems.

drive from your ass not your knees

Check your clean & jerk form carefully as well. could be causing you the pain. Are your quads strong? Remember you need strong quads and hammies to stabilize the knee, an imbalance can cause problems. You say for the past month, but what about before that? Could be too much too soon.