For it was a more recent one, McFedries vs Radev because of the two full-power shots Radev took when he was already clearly unconscious.
Chuck over Guy in Pride!!!!
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Silva Rampage 2
or Silva /kondo
silva vs guy and quinton (dead in the ropes)
I thought is was the end of MMA, and that we would have our 1st death in the ring.
"Tank vs Nelmark due the angle of his neck. My first thought was "Fuck, no more UFC, tank just killed a guy".
LOL!! Exactly.
Tank v Nelmark. I was in college watching at a buddies house via PPV. Everyone in the room got dead silent. We thought for certain that we had just witnessed MMA's first live death.
gonzo's kick was hardcore.
but the leg was the most twisted part.
"Tank vs Nelmark due the angle of his neck. My first thought was "Fuck, no more UFC, tank just killed a guy".
My thoughts exactly. I seriously thought he'd killed him.
Does Pat Smith vs Ninja Scott Morris count as a knockout? If so, that is one that literally made me think he was going to kill a guy.
If not, then I have to go with Tank and Matua also.
franca/uno the way uno fell on his head and then was ko'd. the manner of how slow he fell looked like he was still awake but couldnt function.
sylvia and tra....I swore he was dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This still makes me nauseous.
Crocop's ankle.
All the obvious ones have been stated but I was pretty concerned about the Ian Freeman destruction of Frank Mir. Most boxing deaths are an accumulation of blows over a long drawn out fight; not necessarily a one shot highlight reel KO. Mir got beaten on for a LONG time and then acted very similar to boxers that end up dying. I was as scared after that fight as I was any of the Nelmark, Matua, etc endings.
actually i think it was chuck vs mezger
Prison fights, where guy is knocked out, then kneed over and over again on an unconsious body right in his head, until he starts making this sickening moaning sound and starts having a ceasure.
Seriously, why would you beat the head in of a man that is already knocked out silent and unconscous??
Anyone have vid?
Brad Kolher V Steve Judson UFC 22