KOTC az partial results

Luke Hodges spilt dec jacob Chagolla

jesse Moreng 1 r choke Victor Hernandez

Emaunel Newton 1 r ref stoppage John Lansing

Edwin Dewees won 1r triangle

Del Hawkins won by Ko

Leroy Fornoff won by triangle

Robert Sakorzi lost to Kasey Ucola

Chance Williams 1 r ref stoppage Ron Rumpf

Bryan Pardoe won 1 r Tko or ref stoppage (not sure on but he won)

Paul O Keefe won in round 1

Matt dell won in 2 r



nice to see Dewees get another win

" hes like the terminator"-joe rogan(when he was fighting franklin)

Also Matt Dell (of Attitude First) won his Superfight against KOTC's own announcer.

Dewees won by triangle.

What did Uscola win by? TKO?

Not sure how he won, I think it was round 2.