Kyokushin low kick

Watch Hajime Kazumi in action, he has the finest low-kick in Kyokushin. He has defeated Francisco Filho in the past and completed the 100 man kumite. He also won the All-Japan Weight Class Tournament (The world's has no weight class) =) JJgirl

Either way both are strong kicks and I don't wanna get
hit by either of them style kicking. BTW, yes Kazumi
has one of the finest low kick in KK very quick and
strong. I remember that 5th world where Glaube Feitosa
almost can't stand the whole fight from Kazumi's kicks. He beat both 2 big men Filho and Feitosa at that tourney with his low kick.

now, there may be some struggle ,since some kyokushin guys would not like this reality, however, there are many logical kyokushin people who can overview the subject with logics and accept...:

the low kick of kyokushin is derived from muay thai...if you would check the history of japan karate forms, it is impossible to find a "shin low kick "...of course, there were many low kicks, but with foot and side of foot (yoko geri gedan, or in kakato form etc , no shin low kick...)when mas oyama started to train okinawan style (under miyagi) this style was using some low kicks ,but not in the way with shin low roudhouses..shotokan ,wado ryu there is not such a concept (if they argue that they have this type of kick ý think they are making fun with us...they have only "ashi barai" and "kin geri" (if this is counted as low kick!?))
the japan karate have seen "shin round low kick" only after 1960's and understood the importance in the realistic game..the person who evaluated mt well was mr kurosaki who is good friend of mas oyama and also kyokushin pioneer..he understood mt well after their defeat against it(if ý am not mistaken during 1968's?!.)and with the support of mas oyama they have started to train in mt ways,which was including also mt low kicks(kurosaki gym= mejiro gym )..mas oyama was a very clever,intelligent person and made analyses, synthesis and adapted many mt technics (especialy knees, low kicks) with success to his system (that's why ý like kyokushin is adapting many things and not loosing the flavour,originality ..and ý think mt has given to him the idea that karate should be "circular" not "linear"..until that time he has seen everywhere karate in "linear movements and he was bored about this ..)of course there should be a bit difference between mt an kyokushin low kicks because of different demands,philosophie,cultural needs:
in mt you are punching,elbowing,making neck wrestling etc. in kyokushin you feel your face in safe form for any arm attacks and the most emphasize is given to kick natural result there is a difference in applying, however the difference is not so big...but, ý think mt is much richer in "low kick types"...

This Ercan guy is too predictable.
And he needs to format those longass posts !


I read that article. I think I still have it somewhere. There's a pic of him getting kicked in the head by Saeksan on the cover. I believe that is one of the most insightful articles about Muay Thai I've ever read.

I don't remember the exact quote, but essentially he claims that when he went to train in Thailand, he went with 20+ years of TEACHING experience, not to mention the time he has spent just being a student. He said that 12 year old boys were kicking 100X's harder than he could. And the speed? Forget about it! There was no comparison!


Like I said, I *heard* that KK's kick was modeled after MT's. I don't know whether or not its true. But, I will say this. I will also put my money on MT's round kick any day. There is no harder roundhouse kick in martial arts. Not to say there aren't some equally as powerful, but none more powerful.

Khun Kao

kijimura, even if some thai camps teach chambering the knee, or aren't to strigent on making sure fighters keep the knee straight, they don't tense the knee and cock the leg, the motion is more smooth, relaxed and continuous than the Karate kick, but the difference isn't too obvious if you aren't looking for it. but it makes all the difference in the world.

zoids1, it is a fallacy to assume that more power is delivered in a kick by bending the knees. I have eyewitnessed a boxer from thailand breaking a baseball bat with a low kick, sending the top 1/2 flying more than 20 feet. if you really think that Karate kicks do more damage, there are impact/speed measuring devices. i would bet you $100 that the karate kick loses every time in power, whether or not the speed is close.

an X tkd/karate instructor, i think his name is chaney (i have the article), said that the speed of the teenage thais was incomparible (he actually said humbling, i believe). and he had extensive experience in tkd/karate too.

The KK low kick is not inspired by theMT low kick at all, the have a similar concept excpt that the KK kick is designed to break objects (like baseball bats) or bones so the knee chambers to deliver more speed.

The MT kick uses more of a pendulum straight leg motion
-both are vicious kicks but I'd the the KK low kick is more damaging when followed through correctly.

just my 2 cents.

dear de mano,

mejiro holland should be much correct...when chakuriki and mejiro started to the game, mejiro was expert in low kicks, chakuriki was good in hand technics...(of course,later chakuriki has learned it in excellent form..)
also remember that kaman(mejiro gym) has broken the leg of the usa legend blinky rodriguez at that time with low kick...

then, ý am writing in short format...
the difference is that muay thai or kick boxing (dutch style) low kick is winning most of the k-1 matches...
is it ok now?...

the difference is in front of the eyes, ý think...

Most kickboxing Dutch style is influenced by KK n MT. I'd say Chakuriki?

This should be archived...thanks for a great post...

I don't think it's faster, necessarily. I think the technique is that you bring your knee across your centerline then snap your leg around, like Sakuraba does in his mma fights. I use that type of kick a lot with my lead leg.


An interesting weapon. It seems harder to block because of the speed.

I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard/read that Kyokushin's low kick was inspired by the Thai low kick.

The main difference that I see between the two is that the Muay Thai kick is more committed than the Kyokushin kick.

Khun Kao

I saw the european championships on tape once. the KK fighters do low kicks with power, but they tend to start with a bent knee and then snap the leg, like the stardard karate kick.

This is unlike the MT low kick, which drives through your opponent and uses a swinging momentum created by keeping your leg relatively straight.

one fighter did have a straighter, less snappy kick in the tournament, i remember because he lost a crappy decision. so this generalization doesn't always hold true.

Yes, I know Bad Brad, but a lot are from KK also
I was just watching Japan GP '01 and the new guy who beat Musashi had pretty impressive kicks

What is the diff between the Kyokushin low kick and a Thai low kick ? The Kyokushin one looks very fast and can attack from close range. (From observing K-1)

"I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard/read that Kyokushin's low kick was inspired by the Thai low kick. "

It's pretty much meant to be THE muay Thai low kick. Some KK guys chamber their kicks, others don't. they all aim for full power like MT.

Check out the diagram near the bottom of the page at