Lachlan got his purple belt!

I'm SO happy to announce this. Congrats to my friend, teammate and training partner Lachlan Cheng. Mark promoted him to purple belt tonight. Not just that, but he gave Lachlan his old belt.

Anybody who has rolled with Lachlan knows that he's an absolute demon. He's been giving higher level guys fits as long as I've known him - I've seen him run through purple belts who have been training for ten years.

BTW, the old school guys out there will be happy to hear that Lachlan has giant welts all over him from his gauntlet.

Great work, Lachlan! Now the men's blue belt divisions are safe for a while.


Congrats you dirty sword swallower!

I'm in town, leaving tomorrow at 4:25. I think the Girvitz and I are grabbing grub, come join us and wear the purple.

Congrats man, well deserved!

Hey buddy.

This makes me very happy to read. You are a great talent, and a great person. I am so happy for you.



purple belts are for losers. that is all.

Congrats to him! I've had the pleasure of watching a couple of his matches, he's a very talented individual!

orbit - Congrats you dirty sword swallower!

I'm in town, leaving tomorrow at 4:25. I think the Girvitz and I are grabbing grub, come join us and wear the purple.

Wait, you're around MECCA, you're on the forum, and you don't say hi to me? Where's the love?

 Congratulations Lachlan!


Ronin MMA

Thanks for the support folks. Sadly all this does is mean that i have to train harder not to disappoint mark when I travel. Also alaina should be posting some pictures as a reminder to everyone why you shouldn't mock your training partners while being graded. They'll get theirs back soon enough.

Also orbit you chieftan of the league of bastards I can only do lunch if it involves a 1980's gremlin with mauve interior that is all.

This is what you get when you run a gauntlet with John holding a belt....


trianglegirl- Why hello there.

I only eat the finest of gremlins.

Purple bruises to go with the purple belt. That's quality.That last pic looks like Barney dropped some love jam on your back.

 Please tell me that is NOT your nipple I see trianglegrrl

Dude, that's totally not me.

You can tell because my boobs are at least a little bit bigger than that, thank you very much.

 Whew ....


congrats Lachlan

Congrats man! Love training with this guy - always puts me in my place. Is there still open mats on Sunday's? I need to drop some stuff off for him.

Any and all sundays are still open mat. I know this week we will be missing our big friendly giant as he will be at the ADCC trials in jersey but there will still be some folks looking to grapple.

PS i guess i look a little feminine in those photos but i can't hold a candle to the hotness that is trianglegrrrl

Good seeing you today Cocklan, your new purple went really well with your white cowboy boots.

Trianglegirl, nice to meet you. What's a nice gal like you hanging around two mega sluts like Geoff and Cheng?

Girvitz, you make my heart sweat honey.