Lachlan got his purple belt!

lachlan - I'm sorry I forgot that honey mustard is your mom's stage name

That's a bold face lie. You could never forget, you two toured the beastiality circuit together for years on the
"Honey Mustard and Skittle Dink milk the donkey" world tour

All was swell for Lachlan aka "Skittle Dink" until he suffered a work related injury; a prolapsed rectum. He retired from the scene because he refused to take on his new stage name "Rosebud"

touche sir. I will say that my retirement was also due to honey mustard's finally clearing the yeast infection from your birth and thus losing her patented mustard maker as she called it. Lastly the poor economy didn't help as ticket profits were bundled together and sold to the chinese. Those communist bastards wouldn't pay for medical insurance and you cannot believe how expensive it is to pay for colostomy bags on your own.

Yet another lie.
That yeast will never clear up.
After the bottom fell out (literally) on your donkey dreams and you quit, my ma went into the donut biz. Couldn't let all that magnificent yeast go to waste.
I'm eating one right now, it's like a timbit but sour and skunky.

Shit Rosebud, why are you paying for colostomy bags when you can jimmy rig your own out of rubber tubing and shopping bags? A purple should know this.

Dear god, this really HAS devolved. I think this might be the most offensive thread ever. I'm so proud to be a part of it.

i am sort of curios about what she serves to dunk said donuts in? also I am only a lowly purple in BJJ I can't be expected to live up to the rubber tubing, playing card, and paper clip belt standard that your sifu Mcguyver has set. I also feel like this thread needs to be brought out of the gutters (aka the skin folds in orbit's cankles). I propose a change of topics back to more innocent topics like trianglegrrl's boobs or the fund to buy mark a walker. all in favour say ayeeeeeeeee (like the fonz)

Donuts get dunked in small cups filled with spit.

I broke the space bar on my mac keyboard. Fuck. I took it apart to clean it and now my space bar lays flat and lifeless, much like Lachlan after a night of Vex coolers. I have to really drop the hammer on it to get it to work, much like Lachlan after a night of Vex coolers.
I broke a little plastic piece off the spacebar...this is a job for crazy glue.

Sweet, I just found a skittle in my cankle.

lachlan - I propose a change of topics back to more innocent topics like trianglegrrl's boobs

Or lack thereof, apparently.

nobody wants to talk about my boobs?

When I first met Lachlan I got this terrible rhyme from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic stuck in my head for at least 4 hours.

Do you by any chance own a gold fish? And if so, was it involved in this bestiality circuit which you mentioned?

PS: Lachlan is an excellent coach.

I used to own a gold fish back in the day but alas it was raped to death by a posse of clowns. This posse was in fact the same one that provided the muddled up, mirth infused man mud that helped create the strange basement inhabiting cave dweller that is orbit. He is sort of like a nematode in looks, actions, and method of conception. Enough about the greatest man to ever escape the confines of a womb. We have serious matter to discuss.... 1armedscissor's boobs. I dare you to prove they are bigger than mine. PICS I say PICS

 oh snap!   Its on now!!  boobs are coming!!!

ps - to all canadian regulars... we must make it our duty to make this thread as (if not moreso) offensive than the daily banter that appears on teh OG.

It would make me proud.

We could pride ourselves as the most offensive subforum!   I know we can do it!!!  I have faith in 'all, yall'

I like how you are getting off topic again with some vague general sentiment that no one really cares about. now take off your shirt and let us at those titties.

Take it off

Take it off

Take it off


Good Lord, I just threw up in my mouth.

look at those pepperonis!

Mark Stables - Good Lord, I just threw up in my mouth.

this. twice.

ttt... this thread died too soon.

guardbr8kr -  Please tell me that is NOT your nipples I see trianglegrrl    :)


guardbr8kr - 
guardbr8kr -  Please tell me that is NOT your nipples I see trianglegrrl    :)


My nipples are nowhere in this thread.

guardbr8kr -  Whew ....
