Last words you say before fight

I always say :
"My style is Kawasaki Ninja".

It confuses the shit out of people's.

What you say Phone Post

No real words just a gentle wimper Phone Post

brb followed by...what happened, did I win?

Hahaha good stuff ! Phone Post


UGCTT_Fillthy -

"when I knock you out, I'm gonna rape you."


"I'm gonna beat you 'til you beg me to fuck you"


exchange between douchebag and myself outside a pizza shop in Arizona many years ago.










Awesome! Phone Post

Tell my wife I love her Phone Post

Last thing I do is turn to my coach and say " can you believe there gonna let me fight this guy?" true story Phone Post

1) I did not come to the river for this shit!

2) Im not fucking!

3) Let me bang bro!

4) I do let you bang bro!

5) Not say anything, just gradually crouch into turtle guard and scamper slowly toward them sideways like an elderly injured crab...

LOL these are hilarious! Phone Post


bacon19 - Last thing I do is turn to my coach and say " can you believe there gonna let me fight this guy?" true story Phone Post

I lold hard on that one. Thank you sir Phone Post

I hate fighting in bitch mittens

"Don't do none of that gay wrestling shit homie" - after a few beers and the 209 starts to come out

"I'll fuck you till you love me, f**got!"
-mike tyson

"Ever have your shit pushed in?" Phone Post

I personally like Bruce Lee quote " my art is fighting without fighting" before sending that dude to the boat. Phone Post

Not Today

"Marquess of Queensberry rules, I assume?"

"You ever go night-night nigga?!"