You heard it here first.
Leben by KO, decision or submission
Koscheck by decision, submission or KO
You've heard them all now. Still - no one cares until tomorrow night.
draw my ass. Josh by gnp
I'm thinking Leben gets injured accidentally and is forced to quit. I just can't see Koscheck beating Leben with his weak ass standup.
Dude where the fuck you been there were spoilers all over the forum saying that Josh won.
Which I think sucks becuase I hate Koscheck.When it comes down to it I'm a firm believer in may the best man win.
Wasn't Josh at the last UFC? I remember spoilers on here saying that the TUF fighters at the show were the ones who didn't make it to the finals.
I have a feeling Koschek will win. Leben just seems like a douchebag with a big head. You know, one that I'd get along with in real life, but in a reality show, I'm like "BOOOO!!!!!!!1 YOU SUCK! U R A FAG! BOOO1!!!"
A lot of those clips used in the opening credits can be deceiving. Other shows' have been that way, too.
Lahi dont go buy that becuase Alex K was at UFC and he was just recently defeated by Queen Sanchez.
Can't wait for tinihgt to watchit in its intirety