How long would he have to trane ufc before he could get a W in the heavyweight division? Who would you like to see him fight?
I think he could beat Jose Canseco with 3 solid months of traneing.
How does he respond to getting hit? That would be he question
6 months before camp
Lebron would be a very good MMA fighter with adequate background and training.
It's too late now.
But if he had come up training since his teens he would be quite suited for it.
Jebron James would never fight for the chump change that the UFC pays there fighters
way too tall and reachy for the division, wouldn't be fair
Kentpaul - Jebron James would never fight for the chump change that the UFC pays there fighters
This he makes more at charity golf events than most of ufc fighters in a year
Forget Lebron. What about a young Charles Barkley or Bill Laimbeer?
duckdentistry - Forget Lebron. What about a young Charles Barkley or Bill Laimbeer?
charles oakley > charles barkley
Anthony Mason FTW!!
Laybrone Hames imo
GROUNDnLB - How does he respond to getting hit? That would be he question
like GSP?
Who cares!!!
Rodger Ramrod -duckdentistry - Forget Lebron. What about a young Charles Barkley or Bill Laimbeer?
charles oakley > charles barkley
Kermit Washington. He nearly killed Rudy T with a right cross (dislocated his skull).
Honestly, you can't untrain a lifetime of muscle memory rolling in delicate layups and draining tender jump shots off velvet fingertips. He'd be nothing more than a point fighter and you would destroy the precision of his restrained basketball game. The reason Hames is so good is because he has the movements of a tabby cat in the body of a saber tooth tiger and you want to turn him into a pitbull.
He'd fake too many eye pokes and nut shots. No thanks.
We already have a cocky asshole who calls himself a king in MMA. We don't need another.
Probably as good as Johnnie Morton.