legal justification to beat someone's ass???

Don't do anything unless the guy attacks you...Or you will end up in jail and feel like an idiot for not running the other way.

If you do throw down, kick the absolute shit out of him, do not stop until someone drags you off him. You gotta the fear in him, if he does comeback to your shop, he will probably die.

this is a good question. is there anyone here with law credentials to back up your claims. i am sure there is a way to google the legal statutes in your state. the problem is knowing the wording for the search to cover all bases.

i am way more afraid to lose the farm in judgments than getting ko'ed.

darren23372 - i've had many similar confrontations during the 14 years i've been in business

hmmm maybe stop being such a dick! ;)

Im only playing!! He wont come back, he was probably on something.

don't fucking fight, I'm facing 3-15 years for getting jumped by three guys then doing some nasty shit to them, end of point not fucking worth it.

not until it's over. sorry

 Depends on the state you live in.  Most definitely make a report.  Don't take most of the advice here, beating on the guys car or sugar in the tank can be a felony depending on the amount of damages.  Definitely do not beat the shit out of the guy and say he had a knife,  get caught in a lie like that and you're looking at some serious shit.  My state, Mississippi, has changed the self defense law to the point that you are not required to attempt to flee before defending yourself, but you may still be arrested.  You will if the guy files charges.  My advice ...make a report, keep you eyes open, and do only that which you have to do, TO DEFEND YOURSELF OR LOVED ONES/BUSINESS,  and only at the utmost need.  Most of the time the crazies only talk shit,  the ones that come back are dangerous.  A verbal confrontation escalating to the point of a physical confrontation is an inherently dangerous thing people get killed over stupid shit all the time.  I personally would never tell someone not to defend themselves but there are consequences to your actions be sure they are NECESSARY.   Be safe.


Legal disclaimer:  I am a cop not a prosecutor,  Me giving legal advice does not carry a lot of weight outside my jurisdiction.  Telling a cop in your area that a cop in MISSISSIPPI, who you don't ever know, told you to do something WILL NOT make a difference.



finally some common sense by PCP. nobody can give you advice about your state laws if they don't even know what state you're in.

what little i can tell you and there is no legal justification to "beat someone's ass", only to defend yourself. i'm sure thats what you meant, but remember, you need to be able to articulate that, not just to a responding officer, but also (god forbid) a jury of your peers. make sure they can understand why you had to do what you do. especially if there are many witnesesses, (loudly) tell him that you are in fear of your safety, and that if he continues to approach you, you will have to defend yourself. in my jurisdiction, approacing someone with a hand raised to strike is in itself assault. this is not a license to kick the crap out of someone, but helps make your position clear.

and no matter how aggressively he attacks you, you are always guilty of assault if you use force out of proportion to the situation. do what you have to defend yourself, no need for a beatdown more than that (even if he really, really deserves it).

and last, don't have "paralysis by analysis" - once youve done everything you can to avoid violence, you do what you have to do protect yourself. yeah, maybe he has 3 buddies around the corner, or 15 ninjas in his backpocket or whatever, yeah anything can happen in a fight, but what probably IS going to happen is that he will get spanked, STFU and go home. or even more likely, he will see a man ready willing and able to defend himself, and he will find some excuse to punk out.


Take him to court and charge him with being a 1st Degree Asshole.

BEEF & CHEESE - The legal system will beat your ass if you throw the first punch...

more or less if he throws the first punch you can attack till he stops trying to attack you if you dont then its a felony

even if you avoid criminal charges and jail time, he can still sue you in civil court for bodily injury if you hurt him.


ttt for constant updates

 Malicious Mischief resulting in damages above a certain dollar amount is a FELONY.  I didn't make the rule, but do what you want and face the consequences.  It would really suck to tell your new cellmate that you were in for malicious mischief wouldn't it, make you sound like a "real" hardened criminal, lotta street cred there.  The chances of going to prison for malicious mischief while slim do exist.  So do what you want just don't cry about it while you are holding your ankles. 


BTW Enticing someone to commit a felony can also be a felony, depending.   

Be safe.

"even if you avoid criminal charges and jail time, he can still sue you in civil court for bodily injury if you hurt him."

Yup. And even if you "win" the civil case you will most likely end up spending a small fortune on a lawyer.

Call the police and make a report saying he threatened you at your place of business. That holds a lot of water.

"he threatens to come back, and/or give me the beating of my life if he ever sees me in public."

If you really feel threatened, call the police.

"if i am confronted by this dumbass in the future, just how far should i let it go before i knock his teeth out.....if it looks like a fight is unavoidable what's reasonable justification for throwing the first punch?"

Check your local state laws on this one. Do NOT rely on friends, police, the UG, or anyone other than what you yourself research and find out about the law in your state. Any misplaced reliance comes back on you, no one else. Ignorance of the law is not a defense.

if youre in florida youre pretty much allowed to kill someone who threatens you ... if you feel threatened you can do what you feel neccessary to protect yourself.

 Do you have a camera in your shop? Maybe call the cops if this happens again and show them what the guy looks like on the camera. Be careful dude.

 all you have to do is file a police report now, you can have him picked up for making terroristic threats, which is a felony. at the very least get a report made, that way if you get into a fight with him later there will be a paper trail establishing him as the bad guy

Contact your local pd and inform them of what is going on.

crazycracker71980 - A felony for sugar in the gas tank...

1. not exactly a case the FBI is going to be on. I mean how are you gonna screw up to get caught? Leave seamen at the scene? Cmon?

2. Im telling you how to get revenge.

3. Ya its illegal as hell but in no way shape or form is vandalism gonna get you years in jail? Come one? whats next slash a tire and get tagged as a sexual predator! LOL!

Egg his car!!!

Besides the fact that sugar in the gas tank doing any major damage is a myth: