curious to see what the hg's leo experience or law folks take is on this.
i know the kid was "baiting", but i am thoroughly disgusted and saddened.
curious to see what the hg's leo experience or law folks take is on this.
i know the kid was "baiting", but i am thoroughly disgusted and saddened.
Bischez be trippen!
I would give my opinion but I'm a Virgo and only a pretend LEO
I try not to second guess other people's stops or handling of situations.
Personally I would have handled this differently. I rarely get upset and welcome dialogue.
I wish people would film me. I'm pretty damn funny.
When I'm out there pretending.
Is making someone roll their window all the way down a lawful direction? Honestly, I don't have much knowledge of the law.
What about steeping out of the car? What grounds do they need to make you step out of your car at a checkpoint? Not following the direction to roll down your window? Asking if you are being detained?
Why did the officer ignore the fact that he knew the kid was innocent, and just exercising his conditional rights? Power issue?
Sorry constitutional not conditional
My guess is it was the 4th of july, it was a long night and the kid was being a pain in the ass.
yeah, i'm not sure where i stand on this.
DUI isn't always about alcohol. It's impairment to operate a motor vehicle. If the guy fails your Field Sobriety Tests and blows zeros, it may be drug related.
Or the guy is one uncoordinated Mofo.
End Game is to make sure the vehicle operator is able to operate the vehicle in a safe manner and is not impaired.
This I learned from 13 seasons of Cops and 10 seasons of Law and Order.
So I could be wrong.
i wonder if there's any fallout from this?
KyokushinCatch - HRS 291C-23 basically says that, per State Law, failure to comply with a Police Officer's orders in matters related to "traffic" - which I guess includes DUI check points - is an arrest able offense
State's rights and all
if any of you want to challenge the constitutionality of this law, cool by me
I have only watched about 1/2 way - do they end up slapping the shit out of that kid?
Kod I hope so.
When I was younger, you never dared talk back to the police, first out of respect, second out of fear of getting your head slapped. If your not doing anything wrong and have nothing to hide what's the big deal?
This is the same faggotry that had me slapping flag burners in the head when I was in college. Just because they had the right to burn the flag does not make it a good fucken idea. I'm the son of a Vietnam vet. F U if you wanna burn the flag. You just opened yourself up to being a victim because of your stupidity.
We have all kinds of rights in this country, but how you exercise them should be taught in school so you don't look like an idiot.
There's an old saying; "A society that wages war against it's police should learn to make friends with it's enemies".