Les Mills Combat.......anyone?

Has anyone tried this workout? I'm still waiting for my friend to burn those Insanity DVDs for me, but nothing yet. Thinking of trying this instead. Any input on it would be appreciated...... Phone Post 3.0

Well this is bizarre.

Les Mills is the biggest gym in Auckland spawned a bunch of aerobic fads like 'Body Attack' over the years, but this is the first time I've seen the actual name used to promote a routine.

The REALLY bizarre thing is that Les Mills was the mayor of Auckland until 1998 and he's a former Olympic field athlete (placed 7th at the 1964 Olympics for Discus)...cough steroid user*cough*

 Inked624, As far as Les Mills Combat goes, it looks to me to just be a total marketing gimmick targeted at the popularity of MMA etc. It's nothing more than Cardio-Kick-Boxing all wrapped up in a new package.

Squatdog: You said "*cough* steroid user*cough*"...<---There are literally almost 0 high level athletes who are not playing with some form of performance enhancement. Also steroids (despite what feelings you may have about them) were not illegal (in the Olympics) until the 1970's. They were not illegal in the US (added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act) until the 1990's

Persoanlly I do not feel that they should be listed as a Schedule III substance, nor do I feel that they should even be banned in professional sports.

Not making the above statement to start the great performance enhancement debate...Just sharing MHO.


Thanks for the input Taku. Phone Post 3.0


No worries.


You said "cough steroid user*cough*"...<---There are literally almost 0 high level athletes who are not playing with some form of performance enhancement.


I personally know that Les Mills dabbled in the Vitamin S during his career because I know a lot of guys from that particular circle and era.

Hell, I've met the guy on several occasions and he used to be my mayor.

Persoanlly I do not feel that they should be listed as a Schedule III substance, nor do I feel that they should even be banned in professional sports.

Oh boy.

Squatdog: You said "LOL...riiiiiight." <---are you inferring that most elite athletes do not play with ways to enhance performance? Just curious.


TAKU has now become Dana White in Squattie's mind. Oh Lord, lock the doors and put the children to bed, we're in for a slobberknocker!

Taku - 

Squatdog: You said "LOL...riiiiiight." <---are you inferring that most elite athletes do not play with ways to enhance performance? Just curious.


LOL@going from performance enhancing drugs to 'ways to enhance performance'...

No, the number of elite athletes abstaining from performance enhancing drugs isn't 0 as you claim and if anything, they are the clear majority. This isn't the UFC, where athletes can exploit a comically overt loophole to abuse androgenic compounds (yet still be suspended for marijuana).

If steroids WERE legal, there would be a whole host of legal and ethical issues involved, not least of which would be elite athletes Munzer-ing themselves with insane steroid dosages. Which brings us to the glaringly obvious fact that the drugs AREN'T FREE and have a fairly high plateau, meaning that giving athletes an ergogenic carte blanche WOULDN'T level the playing field (one of the main articles of faith for the 'HERP-DERP LEGALISE DEM DERE STEROIDS' brigade).

3 Dianabol a day works great? 30 Dianabol a day works EVEN BETTER!

Hey C.S.,
Not sure I understand the Dana White reference, but I don't pay much attention to that guy.
Hey Squatdog,
Let me be clear. As usual, nothing that I am saying is being said with an attitude or in a heated fashion. I am not angry with you or taking this personally (when it comes to the internet, I take nothing personally).
That being said...
First Munzer did not die from using steroids, he died from dehydration ( Like Momo, and sadly multiple Bodybuilders have).
Second, I never claimed the number of athletes not using drugs was zero, I was implying that to say that none were using was silly.
I would say it is highly unlikely that the majority of elite athletes are 100% natural. The USOC has a 1-800 # that athletes may call for information regarding drug clearance times etc. 
Drug use is part of high level sport. If you believe that the anti-doping folks really care who is and isn’t using you are sadly mistaken. Like most things in the world there are far more politics involved. If they were truly following through on the anti-doping work, far more athletes would be ejected from competition. Instead, they mostly look the other way.
Why did Flo-Jo (a known juicer) set a world record and never get questioned? Why did Carl Lewis (along with at least six members of his Track team) get reprimanded for failing drugs test on multiple occasions, but never actually get banned? Politics.
Do you think that only one team was using drugs in all the Tour De France races that Lance Armstrong was in? Cycling is one of the most prolific drug using sports on the planet, and has been for decades. Why didn’t they go after the second, third, fourth...Place teams? Because it was not big news. If they really cared about cleaning up cycling, they would probably need to just cancel the race all together if they kicked out every single rider who tested positive for some banned substance.
In recent Olympics you've had people like Russian Race-Walkers getting kicked out, while no-one in the power athlete medal rounds is even mentioned. Why? because nobody cares (except the Russian race-walk team) what happens to a Russian race-walker.
You said: "If steroids WERE legal, there would be a whole host of legal and ethical issues involved" <--They were legal, and those issues did not exist. Back in the 1950's-60's taking steroids was like taking your vitamin’s, it was just part of the program (for most strength athletes). Remember they were not illegal in the Olympics until 1975. And not re-classified in the US until 1995. When steroids were re-classified in the US, the majority of the medical community was against it.



First Munzer did not die from using steroids, he died from dehydration ( Like Momo, and sadly multiple Bodybuilders have).


Munzer's liver basically exploded from the insane steroid abuse, so it wasn't just a case of diuretics.





Why did Flo-Jo (a known juicer) set a world record and never get questioned? Why did Carl Lewis (along with at least six members of his Track team) get reprimanded for failing drugs test on multiple occasions, but never actually get banned? Politics.

This was back in the 80s/90s, when the IOC had a huge vested interest in maintaining the Olympic image as it transformed from a well-regarded event (running at a loss to the host country), to a commercial juggernaut raking in millions. A good dozen or so American medallists at the 1984 Olympics tested positive, but their B Samples mysteriously 'disappeared. Things have changed.

Flo-Jo's records will probably never be beaten, because female athletes can't be roided to the moon any more.

This beast won the 2012 Shotput and immediately tested positive for steroid use and was suspended:

(no, that's not Alexy Ignashov)






Do you think that only one team was using drugs in all the Tour De France races that Lance Armstrong was in? Cycling is one of the most prolific drug using sports on the planet, and has been for decades. Why didn't they go after the second, third, fourth...Place teams? Because it was not big news. If they really cared about cleaning up cycling, they would probably need to just cancel the race all together if they kicked out every single rider who tested positive for some banned substance.

Did you miss the series of scandals that rocked the Tour De France and the fact that the race times are MUCH, MUCH slower now that EPO can effectively be tested for?





In recent Olympics you've had people like Russian Race-Walkers getting kicked out, while no-one in the power athlete medal rounds is even mentioned. Why? because nobody cares (except the Russian race-walk team) what happens to a Russian race-walker.

Three medalists at the 2012 Olympics tested positive and were stripped of their titles, six in 2008 and fifteen in 2004.

Comprehensive testing means that it's MUCH harder for athletes to effectively use ergogenic drugs and when they do, it's at a far lower level than if they were give a free reign to juice themselves to the gills.




The Dana White reference was about a UG-OG Legned flame war in which DW finally called Squatdog out on his bullshit, and offered to fly Squattie to Boston on DW's dime, etc. Squatdog epically dicktucked, although the flaming continued for somehwere in the line of 1200 posts or so. Expect Squattie to argue pendantically, with lots of pics, gifs, and repeated asertions, interspaced with a few "you fucking idiot" and "LOL."

Just warning you now.


This is the same 'Chocolate Shatner' who claimed that the reason so many non-Americans were cast in Hollywood action roles was because 'tough guys' in Europe didn't have a sport like American Football to play. When it was pointed out that Rugby was a major sport in the UK, France and Australia, he claimed that Rugby is actually somehow a very small sport and that COMPETITIVE SWIMMING is bigger and has higher participation in Australia(LOL!).

He continued to frantically stammer out lies despite having a good dozen or so ACTUAL Australians and Europeans laughing in his face and telling him he was wrong, then ran away.

Then on this very forum, he demonstrated that he knows absolutely nothing about weight-training when he couldn't tell the difference between a highbar and lowbar Squat.

Now he's hijacked this thread and is tearfully lashing out the only way he knows how.


Well...I don't deal with other people conversations...As I said, I know nothing about the DW stuff (and don't really care). 

As I mentioned before, Squatdog...This is not personal as far as attacking your feelings on the subject etc. It is personal in the sense that I have my own views, feelings on the performance enhancement subject, steroids in particular. You also clearly have your own feelings on the subject. As I am quite sure neither of us will cause the other to have a sudden change in our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, I vote we drop it.



Squatdog - 

This is the same 'Chocolate Shatner' who claimed that the reason so many non-Americans were cast in Hollywood action roles was because 'tough guys' in Europe didn't have a sport like American Football to play. When it was pointed out that Rugby was a major sport in the UK, France and Australia, he claimed that Rugby is actually somehow a very small sport and that COMPETITIVE SWIMMING is bigger and has higher participation in Australia(LOL!).

He continued to frantically stammer out lies despite having a good dozen or so ACTUAL Australians and Europeans laughing in his face and telling him he was wrong, then ran away.

Then on this very forum, he demonstrated that he knows absolutely nothing about weight-training when he couldn't tell the difference between a highbar and lowbar Squat.

Now he's hijacked this thread and is tearfully lashing out the only way he knows how.


Ah, another classic Squatdog Flamewar tactic. Bring up a totally unrelated subject in which he feels he has "won," and repeatedly reference it in support of his current position.

Christ you argue like a Shiela. Are you sure you weren't born with an innie instead of an outie?

Well this thread took an interesting turn.

I agree with TAKU that Les Mills Combat is a shitty MMA-themed cardio kickboxing class.

LeftBench - Well this thread took an interesting turn.

I agree with TAKU that Les Mills Combat is a shitty MMA-themed cardio kickboxing class.
Thanks for the input fellas. Much appreciated. Phone Post 3.0

Buy my workout videos, bitches!

If cardio kickboxing is your thing there are better workouts out there than Les Mills Combat.

Saw an ad today for upcoming Les Mills classes at Goodlife fitness.