Lets go Fedor

It's killing me that Dana White was never able to make the deal with Fedor. It also killed me that Fedor didn' just say Fuck the UFC, go in there, beat all their guys, take the belt and then leave after his deal is up and go fight the Rizzo's and Barnett's of the world. Is that too much to ask. Hopefully if he is available again, Dana White makes the deal happen.

Fedor just made 1.5 million doing nothing.

He doesnt need the UFC as much as the UFC needs him IMO.

If the competition alone is not enough to motivate him to sign with the UFC then I dont know what will. The UFC reportedly threw a million at him and he refused.

Fedor is done with fighting top competition if he doesnt sign.

So what exactly has changed since the last time UFC and Fedor couldn't reach an agreement?

Is UFC willing to budge on their "exclusive or nothing" deal?

Is Fedor willing to give up alot of freedom in exchange for the most money to become exclusive for UFC?

"It also killed me that Fedor didn' just say Fuck the UFC, go in there, beat all their guys, take the belt and then leave after his deal is up"

That was/is impossible unless he went in, beat everyone, then retired. The contract they had drawn up would not allow him to leave the UFC undefeated.

I think that after everything that is happening with the elitexc tv deal and with Cuban, Dana needs to mix it up and see what kind of deal he can create for Fedor.

Also new reports are saying Fedor is "expected to return the 1.5 million signing bonus."

So it's not like he got 1.5 mil to do nothing. Supposedly, he's got to give it back. Which I doubt will happen either.

Whole thing is just fucking weird.

Why wouldn't Dana now offer Fedor 1 fight. That would negate the Sambo issue. Set up a fight with Fedor and Randy and it will be the greatest fight in MMA history and on the grandest stage in MMA.

That will get the deal done. If the UFC doesn't need Fedor then sign him for 1 fight and then discus future options.

"Fedor just made 1.5 million doing nothing."

"According to one source that asked not to be identified, M-1 will likely expect Emelianenko to return a $1.5 million signing bonus he was paid last September. Negotiations should be finalized by Tuesday of next week, the same source said. " (pops)

"Why wouldn't Dana now offer Fedor 1 fight."

Because Fedor isn't a draw so he brings nothing to the table for the UFC if they can't develop him into a popular fighter in their organization.

How ironic would it be that after Couture left the UFC high and dry, that Fedor signed with the company? Talk about a collective "FUCK" from the Couture camp LOL.


That would be priceless!