lets hear it! best MAYHEM or SHEILDS jokes!!!!

title says it all folks.

i'll start it off.....

when mayhem exercises the machine gets stronger.


HighlandFightSystems likes the cock!!!!

before he forgot a gift for jake shields, santa clause was real.

Why was the policeman in bed?

Because he was an undercover cop.

har har

oh man not this failed thread again.

i know. this thread sucks.

What's the difference between Mayhem and an onion?

you don't cry when you cut up Mayhem


i dont understand this

GJJ2803 - Why was the policeman in bed?

Because he was an undercover cop.

 I don't know why, but I literally lol'd after reading this.

What's the best way to avoid bullies?

Have the writer or casting director point them out to you.

why is 6 afraid of 7

cuz 7, jason "mayhem" miller, 9

Strung56 - 
GJJ2803 - Why was the policeman in bed?

Because he was an undercover cop.

 I don't know why, but I literally lol'd after reading this.

I got that joke from a piece of Laffy Taffy candy.

Mayhem has to give himself the date rape drug before he masturbates.

Shields was the first patient in the history of modern medicine to have a penile implant placed in his ass.

This thread sucks worse then MayheM!!!

Why the fuck am I laughing at these terrible jokes???

Right, so there was this guy named Jim. He loved tractors. I mean he really loved tractors. he had models, a few on the farm, posters on his wall, the lot. After a few years though he kina grew out of them.

One day he was down the pub with a few mates when a fire broke out. It went up the curtains, across the bar and windows. They couldn't get out because the door was jammed. It was a complete inferno.

Jim looks around and with a massive whoosh sucks in all the fire from the bar and saves the day. Everyone cheers. This chick says, 'My God Jim, that was amazing! How did you do that?' 'Ah', says Jim, 'I'm an Ex-tractor fan'.

tumbleweeds on fire roll by

suck that one jim

All that suspense and all you get is a lousy pun. I love it.