Let's look at the bright side of MMA

UFC - Still the top name in the game. They may not do everything right, but considering the number of events, they do put on solid cards. We know what to expect as far as production, Buffer, and Rogan. For as much complaining that goes on here, I know I look forward to every event. They have a lot of the top talent out there and there are some killer match ups coming.

WEC - I like watching the little guys fight! This org seems to have the same feeling that a local show has. For some reason the fights all seem to be exciting.

EXC - They seem to have turned themselves around from that hack first event. They need some better talent, but being on CBS could provide some more casual fans.

Affliction - Hell of a first show, lots of talent. If they can manage their money correctly and stick around, they'll easily be the second best game in town with the talent they've got.

Dream - I still have yet to see any of these, sadly. Pride reincarnate? I can't think of anything bad about that.

I hope that none of these orgs goes away. Every org owes the UFC for where MMA is right now. And just like your father (to whom you owe everything) he's not the smartest or best guy out there, but you should look up to, and respect him.
Up until tonight, I was very much agaisnt EXC. They're tuning their production and seem to be pulling their shit together. It's damn exciting in MMA right now and I'm happy just to be a fan.

ttt for MMA.