Let's stop with the fake weigh-in and

Just let them come in and face off Phone Post 3.0

Meh. I like it. Phone Post 3.0

We do a lot of ceremonial shit in our society. Phone Post 3.0

I like the face off and introductions by Rogan, let's just stop acting like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0

ttiger1 - I like the face off and introductions by Rogan, let's just stop acting like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0
I didn't know they stopped doing the face offs. Bad idea.

That's a huge thing in boxing, after the weigh ins are when people drop all the money on bets, based on how they look-weigh-appear. Phone Post 3.0

do you still want them to undress?

please let us know what would make you happy

knockoutfighter -
ttiger1 - I like the face off and introductions by Rogan, let's just stop acting like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0
I didn't know they stopped doing the face offs. Bad idea.

That's a huge thing in boxing, after the weigh ins are when people drop all the money on bets, based on how they look-weigh-appear. Phone Post 3.0
They still do the face offs, but they make them all strip down and get on the scales like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0

ttiger1 -
knockoutfighter -
ttiger1 - I like the face off and introductions by Rogan, let's just stop acting like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0
I didn't know they stopped doing the face offs. Bad idea.

That's a huge thing in boxing, after the weigh ins are when people drop all the money on bets, based on how they look-weigh-appear. Phone Post 3.0
They still do the face offs, but they make them all strip down and get on the scales like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0

ok since you keep insisting, i'll bite, how do you figure they are not weighing in? I mean sure, that's not the weight they are fight time, but its the weight they are at that moment.

TFK_HossPearson - Meh. I like it. Phone Post 3.0
It's dumb and meaningless
The whole reason to watch weigh ins is to see how hard the cut was. Now these guys are walking out after several hours of rest and rehydration. Phone Post 3.0

HexRei -
ttiger1 -
knockoutfighter -
ttiger1 - I like the face off and introductions by Rogan, let's just stop acting like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0
I didn't know they stopped doing the face offs. Bad idea.

That's a huge thing in boxing, after the weigh ins are when people drop all the money on bets, based on how they look-weigh-appear. Phone Post 3.0
They still do the face offs, but they make them all strip down and get on the scales like they are weighing in Phone Post 3.0

ok since you keep insisting, i'll bite, how do you figure they are not weighing in? I mean sure, that's not the weight they are fight time, but its the weight they are at that moment.

They are not really weighing in at the televised weigh in when they face off. They were all weighed in earlier that morning Phone Post 3.0

The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0

ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

ah, ok. thanks, yeah, that is ridiculous.

I'm okay with it, but it would be cool if during the "staged" weigh-in that they really do weigh them again to see their rehydrated weight. Won't happen, though. 

MountainMedic -
TFK_HossPearson - Meh. I like it. Phone Post 3.0
It's dumb and meaningless
The whole reason to watch weigh ins is to see how hard the cut was. Now these guys are walking out after several hours of rest and rehydration. Phone Post 3.0
I was watching to see man bulge. I assume that's what everyone else is tuning in for. Phone Post 3.0

It's a way for Reebok to promote their K-Pop inspired line of camo briefs. Phone Post 3.0

mikesepejr -
ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

I was confused. I saw a video of all of them weighing in but out of order and no face offs. Phone Post 3.0

zebers3 -

I'm okay with it, but it would be cool if during the "staged" weigh-in that they really do weigh them again to see their rehydrated weight. Won't happen, though. 

I know, boxing does that. Phone Post 3.0

knockoutfighter -
mikesepejr -
ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

I was confused. I saw a video of all of them weighing in but out of order and no face offs. Phone Post 3.0
That was this morning. So the past few events they have switched to a new policy. They get a 4 hour window in the morning to weigh in. The televised thing on fs1 is for show. They are just reading off the weights from the morning and then having them face off. They have to do it this exact way until the fox contract is up. The difference in the morning 4 hour window versus before is they don't get a 2nd chance if they miss, but they have those 4 hours and also much more time to recover versus the evening weigh ins. It's a great policy. Phone Post 3.0

Why evren bother with weigh ins? Waste of time just let them fight.