Lifetime Workout?

300 burpees tonight with no breaks. I have no idea how that dude on YouTube does 1000.


300 burpees is great!

Holy shit, I just did 400 one pumpers straight! Iā€™m actually feeling pretty good, knock on wood.

One pump is essentially one push-up incorporated into each burpee. Two pump equals two pushups per burpee and so on.

Navy SEAL consists of three pushups or ā€œpumpsā€ - after the first push-up bring right knee towards midsection and then extend, after second push-up bring left knee towards midsection and then extend, the third push-up is regular, and then stand up. Havenā€™t tried these yet.

Not sure about ā€œXā€ type. Iā€™m fairly new to extensive use of burpee related exercise so Iā€™m learning as I go but I can definitely feel the benefit.


Good luck and post how it goes. I prefer to do the burpees in sets of twenty and incorporate them in a circuit with other exercises. Breaks up the monotony. Once in a while though, Iā€™ll shoot for a high rep count.

Burpee pullups ftw

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Great because you can either briefly dead hang or use momentum, depending.

That isnā€™t the actual easy strength workout, heā€™s getting a lot of points wrong.

The basic ES routine is 5 exercises - upper push, upper pull, deadlift, weighted carry/swings, and a heavy ab movement. Done 5 days a week, it gives a ton of volume without being hard on your body.

The percentage thing is wrong as well, ES doesnā€™t state how much you should use. The rule is that you use the heaviest weight that you can perform 2 X 5 with perfect form, and when the weight starts to feel easy then you add a manageable amount of weight that still feels heavy but you can do the reps without failure.

One of the variations (which I did) is that every 3rd week you take off lifting and instead do 5 days of agility work (tumbling and ground based athletic movements preferred). It removes the need for a deload and I unintentionally found my movement improved a ton.

For what it I really liked it and gained a lot of strength in the movements I focused on.

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I should point out that Dan John has a free YouTube video where he explains everything pretty clearly for anyone interested.


Here is a workshop he did for youtube,


Almost! Thatā€™s a variation using ES for fat loss. The base routine is this one:


This makes a lot more sense. Is it one of those lifts per day of the week, or are you doing all five movements five times a week? 2x5 deadlifts done at a weight where 5 reps is difficult seems impossible to do 5 days in a row.

5 days a week, 5 lifts, 2 sets of 5 on big lifts, higher reps on explosive movements.
Itā€™s not a go heavy every day, Iā€™ve used this routine in cycles if I was tired I would go super light, if I was pumped from a good day id go heavier etc.
The 2 sets of 5 is the core of the plan, but there are days when Mr. John advises to add doubles and heavy singles.
Research Mr. John, he has alot of free articles on t-Nation that should help.

First time I did navy seal burpees tonight.

Game changer.

Also, the Bulgarian bag is awesome!

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