Lindland is very clever.

Fedor v. Lindland... when I first saw this matchup confirmed I thought, "Is Lindland fucking nuts?" Now it occurs to me that he is not nuts but clever.

This fight against Fedor is going to be win, win for Lindland.

Win #1 - If he gets his ass kicked he can be honoured to have been beaten by the best HW in MMA history... that hardly lowers his stock. The worst case is he gets KO/TKOd and goes home with an above average paycheque and lots of exposure.

Win #2 - If he can take Fedor for 3 rounds and lose the Decision it says alot about Lindland's talent adding to his stock even in a loss... and goes home with an above average paycheque and lots of exposure.

This the best possible outcome for losing and taking a beating.

I kinda think it'll look like Lindland vs Terrell.

..."Lindland has a date with Reality, baby. He is going to get Quarried."

IMO Lindland will do way better than that.

I was waiting for april fools.

just like when he got smoked against Terrell...


Whatever happened to Terrell, anyway? Does he still fight? His UFC victory over Lindland looked to be pretty much a lucky punch fluke. Tanner's win over Terrell was not pretty for Terrell.

This fight just might be the best thing to happen to Nelmark.



He's a genius to be getting all that money to fight him!

a good fight for Lindland to take: nice payday, and nobody will complain if he loses. And I wouldn't be too surprised if Lindland manages to go the distance with Fedor.

I am not in any way expecting Lindland to win. If he manages to get a win I wouldn't think it's the biggest upset ever. He's submitted enough BJJ blackbelts for me to not think it's impossible that he could do the same here.

His best option is still somehow replacing Fedor with a cocker spaniel before the fight. He could totally take a cocker spaniel.

Agreed that this is win/win. Even if he takes a beating, Matt knows when to give up. It's not like he's going to take a serious prolonged beatdown for 3 rounds. Fedor will either finish him off or Matt will play it safe and go for an escape that leaves him open to a submission.
The main thing is, if Matt wins this fight due to something crazy, he goes down in MMA history as the first person with a "clean" win over Fedor. That cements a massive contract, big pay rematch, and guaranteed main event status for life.

His wounds  last 6 weeks, his payday  will last  6  years. Fighting is a bizness.

Lindland's brilliant.

Lindland has a way of surviving. He might lose fast, he might get beaten down for the whole fight, but there is a part of me that thinks that he has a chance.

Fedor isn't going to keep winning forever, and Lindland is one of the more intelligent guys out there when he's in a fight. He has a better chance than a lot of people would care to admit.

IMO lindland has about a 2% chance of winning, but about a 95% chance of going the distance.  a decision loss against possibly the greatest fighter of all time when he's completely undersized can only help his career

lindland by decision..matt is good in the clinch...and has some sneaky chokes.fedor better watch out.FLAME AWAY FLAMEBOYS