----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ΩPro MMA Fighter Scott♥LionHeart♥BlevinsΩ
Date: Nov 9, 2008 1:26 PM
Well i got to say its been a great 31 years of my life, between the line of my life as well,from my Career to Father Hood Lifes been Grand and Blessed me as a Fighter of 2 Great Kids, Thanks Everyone on Myspace for the Birthday Comments its Really nice to see People Care and Have Heart!
Life is what it is!,as of Today I have to learn Growing up is apart of Everyones life and We just get Smarter and Wiser,..as Life Progresses!
My Dream,My Goal is the UFC! I as LionHeart Will Never Give up let alone be Parish from what i Seek,...The Day will Come when Dana white calls me says,,,LionHeart its time for you to Shine in Vegas!
Dreams to come True and Mines always going to be at the reach of the Glove!
Thanks to my Family, Friends, Fighters i train for the Great 4 yrs we Have Shared MMA in our Lives, Im a Go Getter and Always will be!
Thanks for a Great Birthday Wish!
Dat all Have alittle Heart!
My Dream, My Goal,....
I want to know more about Father Hood.... is he a preist or something?
"fighter of 2 great kids" is not a typo, he whooped their asses just as bad as he would whoop 90% of this forum. 2010 the year of the LIONHEART!!!!1 (bj penn you're dead)
francoistank - "fighter of 2 great kids" is not a typo, he whooped their asses just as bad as he would whoop 90% of this forum. 2010 the year of the LIONHEART!!!!1 (bj penn you're dead)
LMAO! I was about to type the exact same thing before I saw your post!
doggie dog word
Personally I have always found this picture funny because for godness sakes thats not Blevins it's Barnett, who you trying to fool?
This set is just insanely hilarious because he somehow managed to find someone as delusional as he is to train in his living room...in his living room!!! lol
He is going to need a converter box.
jarva - He is going to need a converter box.
why does everyone on here have such a woody for this guy? so he reckons himself a tougher fighter than he actually may be. he actually has fought mma before, unlike many others who talk much harder shit and wouldnt dare step in a ring or cage.
Chris Messiah - Personally I have always found this picture funny because for godness sakes thats not Blevins it's Barnett, who you trying to fool?
Peope were skipping Barnetts booth just to get to Blevins. His body wreaked of panty crotch smell and perfume when it was over.
lol at the second fight, he just goes straight to fetal position
hes at 125 right? the ufc needs to open up a new weightclass so he can shine
newbloodmma - why does everyone on here have such a woody for this guy?Because we are huge fans... I thought it was obvious
DWNOMERCY -i see...btw i think his opponents in those two videos were lucky. it appeared he slipped on banana peels in both fights. now thats bad lucknewbloodmma - why does everyone on here have such a woody for this guy?Because we are huge fans... I thought it was obvious