Lloyd Irvin involved in gang rape in 1990?

Apparently Lloyd Irvin was allegedly in a gang rape in 1990. After watching his buddies rape a woman, when it was his turn he "couldn't get it up" so he got off with no charges when it went to court. Just saw this, it true?

http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2013/1/10/3856994/team-lloyd-irvin-rape-case Phone Post

Been posted in about 5 other threads

Pretty sure this was addressed somewhere in the big TLI thread about the rape Phone Post

My bad didn't see it anywhere else, just saw It on the sherdog thread. Crazy stuff. Phone Post

joshjitsu - Been posted in about 5 other threads

too much rape is never a bad thing at TLI!!!!

^ ouch. That one stung a bit! Phone Post

sufferingsuckatash -
joshjitsu - Been posted in about 5 other threads

too much rape is never a bad thing at TLI!!!!

Lol Phone Post

LI luvs the internet