Another retarded move by Jerry there, but at least he didn't shamelessly beg him to thank Pride like he did to Nick Diaz.
Isnt Pride co-owned by the Yakuza? How much classier could they possibly be?
"Where are EVILYOSHDIA and the rest of the usual circle jerk at to tell us how that stuff supposedly not happening in Pride is one of the things that makes them "classier" than everyone else?"
They're still weeping over the numerous blows to their fantasies this show dealt, and trying to come up with a way to spin it to their satisfaction.
the guy is a PRO FIGHTER you sandy vagina wimps, what did you expect? i'd say PUNCHING SILVA IN THE FACE is a LOT more rude than commenting about him going to the hospital afterwards.
the announcer is an idiot
Really? Four States? Which Four?
3t for the second best theff in MMA