locate the passion of MMA

Its all well and good if U do it for exercize. But I cant seem to find very many fighters like me anymore. Fighters with passion. Fighter that acutualy stride to be champion and would give anything for it.

welcome back.

Its all well and good if U do it for exercize. But I cant seem to find very many fighters like me anymore. Fighters with passion. Fighter that acutualy stride to be champion and would give anything for it.

Very few have the heart of a lion as you do.

Toad perhaps.

"Its all well and good if U do it for exercize. But I cant seem to find very many fighters like me anymore. Fighters with passion. Fighter that acutualy stride to be champion and would give anything for it."

I know what you mean.  I keep striding and striding.  Every time I get close to a cage, though, some thoughtless bouncer sends me on my way.  Tough business, but as long as I got the passion, I'm gonna keep on stridin'.