LOL @ Cecil Peoples Resting His Head While Judging

During the third round of Maynard/Huerta, he had his head down on the table resting on top of his hands. I'm sure he was thinking, "What boring ground shit!"

What a JOKE.

Can anyone get a GIF?

 LOL i noticed this to. actually i hadnt noticed the judges up until that point then i was like WTF is that Cecil Peoples, taking a nap. lolol

That explains how someone could give that last round to Huerta. They'd have to be asleep.


no gif?

Cecil is awesome. He sleeps on the job and is sought after as a judge. Fuckin' awesome

Man...I hate his judging.

 Good time for someone to post the action figure.

he is a fucking idiot

he must work part time at the dmv

will someone please kickfuck cecil peoples.

I had Maynard but only by the Kimura attempt winning him the 3rd, barely.





lol ohhhh Cecil




heeeere giffy giffy giffy! here gif!