Think this is for real?
Was smart of them to post it on the wears, function and accessories section of criagslist.
Haha thats priceless. Antelope is full of idiots.
looking for a guy with no right arm (antelope)
Date: 2011-04-14, 3:40PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
So here's the deal. I only have one arm too, but I don't have my left. These damn retailers won't sell me just one glove. I have to buy two. As you can imagine a glove for the hand I don't have is rather useless. I'm looking for someone to share my spare gloves with and visa versa. I have a few left handed boxing gloves and mma gloves that are brand frickin new because I can't use them.
Looking for a glove swapping friend
Looking for a glove swapping friend
SpennyBenny - Haha thats priceless. Antelope is full of idiots.
My god is this true... The whole west side of 80 is no mans land for brain cells.