Smith is fine. Shutup
out on his feet.
Good thing he has a CHIN OF STEEL.
Smith has never impressed me.
He won't make it past this 2nd round. This card is pathetic.
Good comeback round for Smith.
Lawler looks gassed to me already. Smith is gonna knock Lawler out the next round.
wow this is actually turning out to be a good fight. I almost take back what i said.
Smith looks more gassed than Lawler at this point
smith still doesn't stand a chance IMO. It's only a matter of time. Robbie should stop fucking around and just finish this.
anderson silva would turn these guys into hamburger.
ArmbarCity - Smith looks more gassed than Lawler at this point
the boos are soooooooooooo pitiful
LMAOOOO @ Premature stoppage due to lack of tv time
ArmbarCity -Smith has never impressed me.
Keep that tramp stamp rollin, stick to the OG
LOL @ you. I posted on the UG when I first came here, but it's always the same old bullshit. Sorry I don't like your boyfriend.
He looked better by the beginning of the 3rd round, but when I posted that, he was the same ol snoozefest he's always been.
nice edit my UG queen, my boyfriend? Which do I choose? Please help, i'm distressed here. Your know jack and shit and I think jack just blew his load in your crack
deadtired - nice edit my UG queen, my boyfriend? Which do I choose? Please help, i'm distressed here. Your know jack and shit and I think jack just blew his load in your crack
I thought I was an OG queen? Better get your story straight.
Since you're playing the knight in shining armor for Smith, I'd say he's your princess.
he's so dreamy! Nah, let's cut the horseshit and call it a days work, cool? All in good twisted fun