My son who is wrestling in highschool has noticed that alot of his teammates are unable to afford wrestling boots to train and compete in.We are fortunate to be able to afford a pair for my son and have bought another new pair for his friend who isn't very well off.
His family was unfortunatly evicted from his appartment and now lives in at the womens shelter.Sad story but there are many like them.We plan on purchasing him a couple of pair of shorts for him to wrestle(train) in as well.
Unfortunaly he is the only boy we can help.After all life is pretty tough on all of us.
I thought it would be nice to see if anyone had some good pairs of wrestling boots still sitting around.I know I used to buy a couple pairs a year and they would still be in good condition before I would change pairs.
I just think that for alot of kids sports are a good way to take there minds off of there troubles and give them something positive in lift to reflect on.
If anyone is interested in helping out please contact me at for an address to send them to as well if any questions u might have.
Also please make sure the boots are in fairly good condition.
Thanks for your time.
Try the have great deals on shoes right now. You might even try to get ahold of the owner to see if he could get ahold of some of the college teams they supply to see if they have any old shoes for your guys.