My knees are getting sore (the knee and skin) from sitting in the guard for drills etc. Does anyone have any suggestions on some decent knee pads that don't cost a fortune.
Of the ones I've tried, the Asics SuperSleeve has been the best hands down. Moves around the least, least bulky, less hot than my last sleeve style but the shape of the actual padded part has been giving me good protection. Price is $18 per pad at Sports Authority.
Awesome. Thank you!
i use the asics gel lycra kneepads, the supersleeve looks good as well, but i find that the gel cushioning in the gel lycra is better for padding, the supersleeve is thinner.
i use they have great pricing
I got the Asics Super Sleeve knee pads and I really like them.
Trace kneepads are my favorite. They have an open back and, only attach to the leg above and, below the knee. They fit snug and, I don't remember them ever falling off the knee, or moving around the knee. The open back also lets air get inside, so they don't feel hot. I've wore two pair for about 2 years and, they still hold up well.
The pad is about 1/2" thick.
I've seen them sold at the Gracie Academy online, but I bought mine from for $19.95 a pair. They have them in about a dozen colors.
Sports Authority volleyball etc. knee pads. Simple and effective - not overbuilt and constricting like some.
I personally prefer wrestling knee pads over vollyball knee pads and gel over foam. When I am in the market for a new pair I go here.
My favourites have been McDavid's which cost only about 25 bucks.