The guy doesn't need to be all I've the airwaves spitting out ultimatums to gsp about not being in his corner if he does. It take time off. Gsp doesn't need any more things like that weighing on him.
I play hockey with a few frenchies.. Very outspoken, emotional people when they get fired up. TABERNACK!!
He sounds like tool honestly. But not knowing him personally that doesn't mean a thing.
Yeah, i think the camp should coordinate any communications at this point and keep it official. He's sticking up for his friend and you can argue Dana would get the extra 2 minutes for instigating but he doesnt need to add more fuel to the fire.
He has always seemed like a tool to me. Giving gsp an ultimatum just confirms it.
He's been with him from 16-32. The mentor doesn't want to keep seeing GSP take damage like he has in his last 3. The guy tells it like it is, called Dana out on his lack of class and respect. I like him
I would cut him some slack. He's apparently a close friend of gsp's who has his best interests at heart. George will make his own decision but i'm sure he appreciates his friends input.
ManWithTheIronFists - When was this goof ever in GSP's corner besides last fight?
Kerouac -œuf, IMOManWithTheIronFists - When was this goof ever in GSP's corner besides last fight?

HeadkickedtoHeaven -Kerouac -œuf, IMOManWithTheIronFists - When was this goof ever in GSP's corner besides last fight?
T'es right. lol
JROTT - I play hockey with a few frenchies.. Very outspoken, emotional people when they get fired up. TABERNACK!!No, you played hockey with french canadians. Hockey is a real men sport. Midoux live in Quebec but he's from France, so he can't play hockey. That being said, french from France or a lot more annoying then french from Quebec. Tabarnac!!

Excerpt from GSP's The Way of the Fight, on Kristof Midoux:
Many people call him the French Hurricane. His ability to pop up at any time, to overtake center stage and to submit men with his awe-inspiring force, is legendary. Kristof Midoux, after all, once knocked out an opponent in nine seconds... in his first professional fight. He stepped into the ring, the referee started the bout, Kristof moved forward and, with a single flying knee, knocked his opponent out cold... let me tell you this: Kristof Midoux is the single most important figure in my becoming a mixed martial artist, and the only reason why I understood so many years ago that I could become a champion.
When I was barely sixteen years old, I had no idea what I was going to do with my future... All I wanted to do was go to... watch local MMA events when my mother let me... The sport was fresh and new and I felt a special connection to what I could see happening inside the octagon. The king inside that octagon during those years was Kristof Midoux.
Midoux was larger than life for me... and despite his French citizenship, he’d chosen to fight out of St-Joseph-de-Sorel, Quebec. He had the same Kyokushin karate background as I had, and on top of this, he owned and ran an MMA gym in downtown Montreal...
After seeing him fight, I decided I would track him down and find a way to become his pupil. I was driving up St-Laurent Boulevard in the heart of downtown Montreal when I saw Kristof walking down the sidewalk. Immediately, I became excited, knowing this was the opportunity to speak with him alone. I half pulled over in my car and slammed on the brakes, leaving the vehicle and blocking a lane on St-Laurent. I ran out from the driver’s side and sprinted over to Kristof. He stopped and looked me up and down curiously. He smiled and said bonjour. I responded by telling him I’d been looking for him because I badly wanted him to me my teacher...
“There’s a problem, though—I don’t have any money.”
“That’s okay,” he replied. “Neither do I.”
... As we started training together, he did something very interesting. He made me fight against all the “regional” guys who were competing regularly on the circuit. Guys I’d see on television destroying everybody. And he made me face them. We’d get to the gym for training, I wouldn’t know the plan for the day, and he’d just toss me in the ring.
KRISTOF: I used those reputed assassins like victims, really, but they had no idea what I was doing. In fact, I had to draw them out to our gym and trick them into training with us. I’d say, “Hey, come on over for a free seminar and free training sessions.
GSP: At first, I refused to fight; I was too scared... At seventeen years old, true to his promise, I really dominated those fighters. That’s how I found my own source of belief and transitioned into the world of MMA as a fighter...
The first time I saw St-Louis, I didn’t want to go out there on the mat, but Kristof told me it was too late—he was waiting for me, and there I was. I had to go out there. He didn’t leave me any choice. He’d scream at me, “Go get changed now!” He turned to St-Louis and said, “Here’s a new kid, don’t be too hard on him.” But then he’d turn to me and give me my instructions: “Take the initiative, jump them, and beat them as fast as possible.”
And then it happened. I started taking guys down five, six times in a row. At the end of some of our fights, there’d be holes in the walls. It was total chaos. Bodies would fly all over the place. But it was over, and somehow I had won. Baffled, they’d turn and ask, “Who the hell is that kid?” Like in a cartoon strip.
ManWithTheIronFists - When was this goof ever in GSP's corner besides last fight?I was thinking that. Nice switch gsp, drop Jackson for this dude. I miss GSP-Jackson

I've read his interviews, he's full of shit, talking for GSP and stuff, he has 0 relevancy and yet gets all that airtime, if I was GSP, I wouldn't want my friends to just go to the media and talk for me?
I think Kristof might be GSP's anger translator. It's smart. If Georges is going to make a run for Prime Minister, it's more important than ever that he stay classy. His political rivals have already started the whisper campaign with this baby daddy talk.
GSP's previous anger translator was that guy on TUF when he coached against Kos. The assistant who left after they almost got into it. It was more of a trial run.
pollice_verso - I think Kristof might be GSP's anger translator. It's smart. If Georges is going to make a run for Prime Minister, it's more important than ever that he stay classy. His political rivals have already started the whisper campaign with this baby daddy talk.If GSP has political ambitions which party would he align himself with?
GSP's previous anger translator was that guy on TUF when he coached against Kos. The assistant who left after they almost got into it. It was more of a trial run.

GayGuardMooseSaucy - He's been with him from 16-32. The mentor doesn't want to keep seeing GSP take damage like he has in his last 3. The guy tells it like it is, called Dana out on his lack of class and respect. I like himBut why is he doing it in public

He's the one who said Dana called and apologized, right?
Is it Poutine, or Putzine?