How is it the greatest mma fighters can get ko by a single looping punch preceded by nothing, not a body shot, jab or straight punch?Doesn’t this show MMA’s lack of science? It’s sloppiness? Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better

 Ive never said this about anyone on this forum before but, you sir are an Idiot!

Herring In A Fur Coat - 


Is that more or less than a "Hi Donny?"

I'm sorry, I think you meant to post here:

the broke oracle - How is it the greatest mma fighters can get ko by a single looping punch preceded by nothing, not a body shot, jab or straight punch?Doesn't this show MMA's lack of science? It's sloppiness? Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better

Let boxers wear 4 oz gloves and see if you're singing the same tune, noob.


the broke oracle - How is it the greatest mma fighters can get ko by a single looping punch preceded by nothing, not a body shot, jab or straight punch?Doesn’t this show MMA’s lack of science? It’s sloppiness? Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better

 You never watched George Foreman fight?

TheClips - 
the broke oracle - How is it the greatest mma fighters can get ko by a single looping punch preceded by nothing, not a body shot, jab or straight punch?Doesn't this show MMA's lack of science? It's sloppiness? Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better

Let boxers wear 4 oz gloves and see if you're singing the same tune, noob.

Is it now about fight speed? ability to move out of the way of a single punch? is that not the purpose of set up punches to close the distance and to put a fighter in a position where its difficult to move or block?

DaddyDirtyShogunnedMe - 
the broke oracle - How is it the greatest mma fighters can get ko by a single looping punch preceded by nothing, not a body shot, jab or straight punch?Doesn’t this show MMA’s lack of science? It’s sloppiness? Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better

 You never watched George Foreman fight?

Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing!

Was Big George not a Heavyweight? Or can you not read?

Faking a low kick before you throw the overhand right doesn't have the same effect in boxing does it? Its hard to know what's coming when your opponent has variously used the fake overhand right to setup the take down, the fake takedown to set up the kick and, and the low kick to set up the take down. And then they fake the kick and throw a single looping punch and bam goodnight. MMA ain't boxing. Straight punches are still better. But there are reasons why looping punches land even when they aren't set up with other punches.

no shit dude.. because the sport isn't just boxing. I bet lots of boxers have shitty wrestling and bjj


The UG is always making claims that mma is superior to boxing. In that mma Athlete's are better than boxers. I am just posting a counter argument. Its possiable I am wrong. If so educated me and tell my why.

Seems like its an issue of skill and speed. The skill to throw the punches and set them up. The speed to dodge shitty punches like single looping shit

Clearing some are not intelligent enough to tell me why I am wrong.

and again if it is effective why dont you see them in boxing?

DW -  Hey Darrel Waltrip, buddy I would work on the guns b4 you take pics in a tank top

it is superior to boxing because boxers can lay on guys with no repercussion try that in mma and you get judo thrown, get it now.


You have one sport with only 1 tool to do damage with.
You have another sport with 10 tools to do damage with.

Then you go backwards and ask why the 1 tool, when being put into the pool with the 9 others, is being applied differently? LOL.

You know, Boxing sucks. My friend does Aikido, and they never get hit, they just neatly deflect the enemy's blow sidestep and dominate/throw him. Now THAT is defense. How come the boxers defense is blocking, when Aikido clearly has a much more effective defense? Yes... Boxing thus must suck.

Please don't say different sport/different rules/whole different game... cause that doesnt seem to matter with you.


number 7, and #2 what are those big guy... the looping punch is designed to catch fighters falling away, its quite common, in both mma and boxing.

boxers dont have to worry about kicks or takedowns

the broke oracle - Besides at heavyweight- this would never work in boxing! It even fails when set up by a good body shot or jab. Boxers are just quicker better athletes and can move way better