Loudmouth Got Punked


Blue namer pls.

Probably an old video. Dude acting like a jack@ss then found out who the guy he was getting loud was and calmed down.

Don't know anything about kickboxing community but the head bouncer/security was a 5x World Kickboxing Champ, Michael Kuhr.


The UFC bought Pride!

Dick tucked hard

This one is more funny of the same Bouncer! Seen these awhile back but this one had the guy scared!

elite XC is going to ruin the ufc! great organization with tons of potential and a great buisness model!

The IFC will rule the world and bankrupt BLAF!

 If that was an accurate transcript i like the way he handled that

i mean there was no reason to beat up a guy he can easily beat up

better to talk sense

lol the bouncer showed surprising restraint too

here you go

LOL. That was great. Kuhr is badass and he's not a very big guy either.


"Let us talk boldly like men do"...I have to use that sometime.

FP101 - "Let us talk boldly like men do"...I have to use that sometime.

That is so alpha.

 That was a mouth raping if I ever seen one.  More people need to learn to settle things like Kuhr does.