Luis Gonzales SpeedyBJJ in Tulare, CA - Opinions?

I'm looking to put my 10-year-old son in MA classes of some kind. He tried BJJ when he was 6 but he was just too little, he couldn't sit still and listen well enough.

I'd like to put him in BJJ again and I found this right here in the small town I live in:

Luis Gonzales runs the joint. I've read up on him and he seems like the real deal. Anyone in this area have any experience with their kids studying at his school?

Luis is a friend, and we came up in this sport together, so I would recommend him based on that. Extremely dedicated to the art, he used to make the trip to the Bay Area on a very regular basis just to train, and is Tinginhua's first black belt I believe.

He's not much bigger than your 10 year old son as well. Really good example of technique over size.

He's not much bigger than your 10 year old son as well. Really good example of technique over size.

LOL. Good to know.

Just as a follow-up, in case anyone else in the area is considering SpeedyBJJ:

I took my son in today to observe a class. There was a purple belt teaching, I didn't catch his name. The teaching style was focused but not aggressive or hardcore. The place was plain but very clean. My son felt good about the instructor and the kids there. He wanted to jump in and drill with them right there.

I'm going to take him back on Wednesday and sign him up. he's pumped. We'll see how it goes.

I used to train with Luis and he is a great technician. He is great with kids and his style is a testament to Tinguinha BJJ. His school is a solid school where your kids will be taught more than just technique.

Luis is great.

He is amazing! Great bjj for sure. Plus he is under tinguinha, so you know it's going to be great!