No brainer imo.
The two runner-up from TUF.
Two technical guys who are on the smaller side of 170.
Two guys with great heart who will entertain.
Luke has proved he can hang. While I would favor Kenny, its impossible to count Luke out.
Ya heard?
No brainer imo.
The two runner-up from TUF.
Two technical guys who are on the smaller side of 170.
Two guys with great heart who will entertain.
Luke has proved he can hang. While I would favor Kenny, its impossible to count Luke out.
Ya heard?
Cummo would light him up, imo.
No way Kenflo takes this one. Luke hung just fine on the ground with Joe for three rounds, he'll have no problem with Kenny.
whatta ya mean? dont ya`ll wanna see the cannon? haha
i agree with everyone else...kenny vs luke would be a great matchup and a fight that would sell tickets and PPV`s
Cummo by stoppage due to elbow...
Luke would be able to keep it standing and get the KO
I concur.
Awesome idea...Kit Cope couldn't do much against KenFlo, but Luke has a bit more on the ground game...nice.
Great matchup.
good matchup. kenflo by KO
Luke by TKO...I think Ken would have trouble taking Luke down and if he does...he won't keep him down.
I'd have to say Kenflo by UD. Both guys have great cardio, and too much heart to be KO'd by the other.
But if it goes to the mat, Kenflo by gang style rape. Gracie Barra Black belt vs. Matt Serra blue belt(or was it purple...not that it'd make a difference). Diego was able to use his strength advantage, where luke won't have one.
Brian Davis has resisted the correct.
Luke actually seems very strong at 170. I dont know if Ken can even take it to the ground. Luke will pick him apart standing eventually.
Gracie Barra = Renzo = Serra
It's all from the same branch. And purples can go against black belts and not get subbed, see ADCC submission championships.
belts mean shit in MMA.
Frank Mir armbarred former Abu Dhabi Champion Black Belt Roberto Traven when he was a blue or purple.
Luke will be fine on the ground.
Stevenson didn't even come close to submitting Luke and he's a badass on the ground.
Even matchup imo.
interesting match up. I like both guys but would be pulling for Kenny.
"I'm proud of you fellas. You all kept your head on a swivel, and that's what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cock fight."
Cummo vs Wandy in a stare down competition.
Cummo by CrAzY eyes in the 1st rd.