Lytes Out Career Deep Dive: " KJ Noons "



You know KJ wants that back, especially after Nick more or less razzed him for the defeat.

Even after all these years.

Bennett is in a huge losing streak and fights in Gamebred bareknuckle MMA in 2 weeks time

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20 fight losing streak

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Yes I’ve been keeping tabs on FELONY for many years I even bought the shirt.

Years ago from some guy in the UK that eventually fought on BKFC Thailand card. . Maybe 2 of them?

Victor Booty? If I recall.

Anyways yes Gamebred FC my point Felony is still going. . KJ must want that back…BKFC is known for bringing some hardcore names back.

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Noons - felony in BKFC would be incredible

Holy shit


I just dug it out and dang, needs to be ironed out.

Smells clean though lol

Charles was over in the UK years ago for some fight

He was on social media going on about this shirt, and another shirt. Which was of him laying on the Rizin mat post Minoru KO, while pretending to orgasm.

Then it had a caption that said something I forget…I just remember the word Nigga was in the caption.

I didn’t care for that one so much, but loved this shirt.

Felony told me to contact this Booty dude lol, so I did and got this. Im going to have to wear it to the gym tonight.

This Booty fella I would later see on BKFC in Thailand it was pretty cool.


This is a great interview so far.

Just getting into it now but that is crazy to already learn how young KJ started fighting.

Basically from 8 to 33.

I wondered why he just sort of disappeared. Now you learn he fought for dang near 25 years that is insane.

Talking about boxing at 10 and having his nose broken lol at 10!

The dude is only 41 now! Lol


Have yall thought about having Horse on ? If you have and don’t have any contact info, a good friend of mine hears from him a few times a year and might have a recent phone number.

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Fing awesome

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Walt seems like such a nice guy, terrible what he had to go through with his daughter passing.

I felt Felony was a bit robbed against both Bedford and Tyler in BKFC.


you have a gr8 mma mind



So about 9 years ago I was given Bennet’s number, and his Snapchat.
A friend of mine wanted to bring him over to the UK for a show.
My friend told me to entice him by showing him cocaine and snorting it saying this is what hre can enjoy (lots of cocaine)

Krazy Horse used to love it and kept wanting me to send him some to Florida,
I had tonnes of videos of him telling me that he will come to the UK etc and we will party.

Anyway, that fizzled out due to visas etc.

He did come to the UK in 2017 I would have liked to have met him, I was abroad however


Yes Tanko FC in Manchester that had to be the event where he got hooked up with Victor Booty who I bought the shirt from. I messaged Felony about it he said get at Victor.

I’m looking into this now and he was on 2 BKFC Thailand cards.

I also see Charles 2 Kunlun fights in China.

He had another fight in China where it was Muay Thai fight and he got brutally knocked out with a flying knee as he was along the ring ropes.

No record of it but I remember it was a crazy event in China with pro wrestling and different stand up fights and MMA fights.

I remember Charles was hanging with Jeremy BAMF May.

Who I beleive was who helped him get these Kunlun fights in China.

May went over and got KO by Bozigit Ataev. There was a falling out of some sort between May and Charles after Kunlun stint

I think Charles KO loss was same card maybe? I was about 2 years sober and still in a haze I swear lol. There just no record of this KO loss

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Felony’s YouTube channel a few yrs ago was hard to watch sometimes.
He appeared to be living in Squalor.
And beating up on faggits

I really want him to get a win on his record


Yea it’s been wild.

Living out of his car he had nothing else to do so drove to that streamers house who was talking shit lollll


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I Checked that card, doesn’t appear Krazy was on that card

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This fight is here.

So is the other one on youtube of him at Kunlun.

So those 2 documented are available.

But the KO loss is not documented anywhere.

I beleive it may have been a cross promotion event with Kunlun and some wrastling promotion. There was some crazy lighting and pyro and wrastling going on at this event I remember.


Good find

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