Lytes Out Career Deep Dive: "The Crow" David Loiseau

You will be highly entertained trust me.

A mad cast of characters.

Great mix of nostalgia and dark humor with a great dystopian story trying to find water and survive.

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I may even give it a try

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I hope you do you wonā€™t regret it.

Great Canadian flick.

Incredible soundtrack aswell from a Montreal band, if you do ever do please keep me posted Iā€™m interested to hear your thoughts on the movie.

I will keep u informed

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This sypnosis ainā€™t selling it to me tho, but I trust Ur judgement

DL has done 3 bits of filming, a short and then a movie where his name is :rofl: Doctor Loveā€¦

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I love David, but imma say itā€¦

He gat a big ass head, obviously not as big as Titos

Itā€™s all love DL, nobodyā€™s safe around meā€¦ Jk


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Talkin about The Crow?


How bout I cross the pond, and give you another kinda smack to the sinuses howā€™s that? Blow boy.

Watch the fuckin movie. Then tell me what you think jagoff.


What about that 6.7 / 10?

Thatā€™s actually a part of why itā€™s so awesome.

Remember 1997???

I do.

Remember 2044? Fack off.

Good fun time, enjoy bra.

I kid you know I got mad love Bucky

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97 was awesome,
I lost my virginity

And I value IMDbā€™s ratings

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@Captain_Kaboom uou used the term ā€œjag offā€

Are you from Chicago?


I guess heā€™s kinda close to Chicago, just over the border thereā€¦

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Over the years Iā€™ve heard it sounds like Iā€™m from New York? LOL.

But no Iā€™m proud Canuck.


And like a good Canadian, I bet u have have some of the good Scottish blood in you bro
,:fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:, like 97% of my Canadian brethrens

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Yes sir. Iā€™m 100 percent Scottish both sides of my family.

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I loved u before I knew this,

Now itā€™s solidified


Do u know where in Scotland Ur family hail


To be honest with you no.

Family dynamics has always been off big time.

No relationships were really formed.

Iā€™ve NEVER been friends with my older bro.

Have not seen or spoken to the family in years, except Christmas sometimes.

I text mom thatā€™s it

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AHH I see :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

I know the feeling, families in my family, some of them have. It talked to each other and dog on them for a game of monopoly that happend at Christmas in 1991, and monopoly has been the cause of .y .other not speaking to her brother and 2 sisters for 30 yrsā€¦

Thatā€™s families for ya

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Is that a term commonly used where you are at in Canada?

Here in the Midwest, it is ONLY a Chicago term

  • in particularly from the south side

ā€œMuttā€ ā€œjag offā€ were two terms we commonly used growing up in Jr High and High School.

It was always associated with US style Mafiaso talk, yet we fuckin loved it

Growing up down here in this slow fishin community we LOVED razzin eachother ā€œyou wish ya mutt ehā€ "take a hike eh, ya jag off "

Interesting to hear itā€™s a big Chicago thing.

Many a tough fighter out of Chicago.

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