Lytes Out DEEP Dive UFC 1 Series: Gerard Gordeau "Undertaker From Hell"

lytle in this 1

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Yes, yes this was good.

Lesson learned.

I usually listen to audio only, first time around was half asleep and finally fell asleep.

So decided to check out the parts/segments that I missed.

Watched the video and holy hell 1) Did not realize how much missing by not seeing his reactions, mannerisms and facial expressions 2) Won over by his demeanor, sly grin during key moments.

He wanted to paint Semmy as “selfish” not stubborn

amazing interview, lot of suspense, drama, and info

and I only listen to audio, all that comes thru

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well you missed a lot by going audio only. Insert smiley face image

No as mentioned my audio vs video comparison was impacted by almost being asleep when going audio only.

However, truly on video you seem him smile sometimes based on what the hosts are saying. Sometimes he is not saying anything verbally but is saying a lot nonverbal, giving a lot of feedback on what the hosts are saying and doing/asking when not speaking.

It made him more likable, can also see him react to a few things where you can tell he does not want to be a recluse and wants to be remembered.

Also during one story his nonverbal was really interesting. It seemed he was both recalling but also editing or monitoring.

I like the mystery and dead air, I always prefer audio first…I am at work when listening and listen to 40+ hours of podcasts per week(LOP being one of my favorites)

I do often check the video for an image of the interviewee and to see certain reactions/non reactions that catch my ear. I do know I miss some reactions but I usually fill in the pieces and if I check I am usually correct on the non verbal stuff(not always).

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40 + hours ? wow man.

Also truly did not want to start a “debate” on the formats but could not resist a small jab in that direction.

This reminds me I have intended to start a thread on the old or golden days of talk radio before podcasts or satellite radio etc. It is amazing the access to topics, people and information these days, that said there was something almost magical (at moments) about driving during a certain time and a broadcasting area when certain programs came on. Even recall long trips when scrambling for something to listen to as between broadcast areas.


Gerard is a guy you want on your side in a street brawl but he should be nowhere near the sports side of things!


Gerard said many times there is a difference between a sportsman and a fighter. He claims Royce is not a fighter, merely a sportsman, because he had an issue with being bitten by Gerard.

He also said Dirty Bob was a great sportsman


It’s an interview with a serial killer


I normally don’t fall for this but I gotta admit there was something funny about the cigarette and smiling/smirking with that crap eating grin at the right moment.

Watching him made me want to have a drink and I have not bothered to take a sip of anything in years.

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Just went down a rabbithole onnthe dutch scene;

I was actually at Meijiro the week after Jan Plas killed himself, Andre Manarte was actually lovely to us despite the sad news. Rob Kaman rocked up that week and we got a private with him where i spent the whole session telling him my brother thought his leg kicks sucked. He was a great guy.

Holy shit André Brilleman had a shitty end. He pretended to kill a dude for his boss and got beat up by a group of gypsies. Had his dick cut off and shoved in a barrell without his legs. Brutal.


In our Bas Rutten interview

Bas mentioned that Brillerman stole a large sum of money from a boss that had went to jail

Was able to live off of the money for quite some time, but when it ran out, he came back to Holland.

Gordeau said

  • he shouldn’t have stolen money

So instead of killing someone for money, he kept it… wow


Ahh right- the story i heard was he was supposed to kill some guy called hugo but he faked the dudes death and they found out. The versuon you saidnsound more plausible

I am about to go on a rabbit hole on YouTube of what took place

Maybe throw Gordeau a few dollars and see if he will talk


The only bad thing about this podcast is that they’re eventually going to run out of pioneers to interview.

The version i read (there were a few) he faked the hit and covered the guy in tomato sauce. Damn the picture of the barrell is grizzly, and unfortunately the dick cutting part seems to be consistent. He was such a tough dude, good fighter too
