Machia is playing chess

...everyone else is playing checkers.

 Never heard that one before.  You should trademark that!

Who the hell is Machia???

Anyfuck, Machia is playing chess...

Everyone else is playing Dredeil

He also drinks his pee.


I was wondering what Ralph Machia was up to these days, good to know he's staying active.

Ensanity - Photobucket

 Very well done.

 Ralph Macchio??

Close enough, that pic is scary btw.

^ i was surprised as hell when he showed up on Ugly Betty!


 You watch Ugly Betty?

BUFFGEO - ^ i was surprised as hell when he showed up on Ugly Betty!

Does he still have that going-through-puberty voice?


grimer -  Ralph Macchio??

what the hell

Dana is playing monopoly; everyone else is playing scrabble.


 Rashad was playing rock em sock em robots, but machida was playing operation.

OmegaPoon -  Rashad was playing rock em sock em robots, but machida was playing operation.

 Now that one was good.

Misedukatd - Dana is playing monopoly; everyone else is playing scrabble.


Ensanity - Photobucket
