against Khabib.
Wish me luck.
against Khabib.
Wish me luck.
6 hrs of side step training and you can win it. good luck champ!
Sprawl and brawl bro.
BREAKING: Hocky breaks fingernail opening a can of cat food. Out of Khabib fight. UFC searching Sherdog forums for possible fill in.
I’m planning on wearing Fila to the cage just to piss Dana off.
You have just as good a chance, if not better, to avoid getting taken down.
Seriously? That's awesome man. Can we see the view from your hotel room?
You better be sponsored by I Wild Each
La Gear would like for you to call them back
A few hours ago, I thought to myself “I can’t believe this; Tomorrow, I’m going to become the world champion.”
Now, I’m thinking “What the fuck am I gonna do with all this Fila gear?”
Life sucks.