Male Fighter with Best Ass?

There is something to be said for fine Canadian ass, it happens to be my favorite kinda ass (just ask my Canadian hunk)(yes, the one in my profile pic)

More hugs,


There is far too much hugging in this thread...

Super gay.

not when it's girls like us, you guys love that, lol

This photo is a bit suggestive....butt, is a perfect illustration....




If you are saying "HUGS" and "MORE HUGS" every time you make a post to be annoying, you have succeeded.

Are you trying to be rude or does it come naturally?

Great big huge giant hugs,


I vote Noelle shows us her ASS?


best ass thread with no pics?

2 week ban.

 My vote goes to Butterbean!!!



"Are you trying to be rude or does it come naturally?"

Probably comes naturally like your ability to be annoying.

if anyone has that gif of that "girl" who posts on a counter-strike forum and it shows how quickly the thread explodes, please post it. thanks!

Girl... GSP gets my vote by far. Just something about those tighty whities do it for me. ;)

My next pick would be Tyson Griffin.

Cindy ... LMAO ...

And just in case the hug police decide to visit this thread again (not sure why someone would choose to annoy themselves, but hey, whatever floats your boat)



i dont really like dudes asses but baroni IMO

LOL @ Epstein ... that's a good wife indeed.



LMAO ... PLEASE forgive me oh killer of camels!

It's been a while since I've seen that sweet ass, otherwise you'd never have been omitted! (hehehehe)

