Manager: Travis ready for Nelson in may

Not a fight I want to see. Phone Post 3.0

Outlaw'd Stretched My Anus - I'm not ready to see Travis again.

Ever. Phone Post 3.0

People should start shunning dirty fighters. Seen enough obvious eye pokes from him.

May!?!?!!??!!! Pffffftttttt! Phone Post 3.0

Hessian -
Outlaw'd Stretched My Anus - I'm not ready to see Travis again.

Ever. Phone Post 3.0

People should start shunning dirty fighters. Seen enough obvious eye pokes from him.
Hysterical that motherfucker came out with a podcast lol I'm sure he has a plethora of listeners.. Phone Post 3.0

Hessian -
Outlaw'd Stretched My Anus - I'm not ready to see Travis again.

Ever. Phone Post 3.0

People should start shunning dirty fighters. Seen enough obvious eye pokes from him.
Dirty eye pokes.

Dirty back of head elbows.

Pouncing on fouled opponents.

... Phone Post 3.0

So much for Travis. I have a feeling he will be put asside for a while.