This morning, Wednesday, February 2, at 5:30am, I spoke with
Mang Romy Macapagal. He was just about to get on the plane to
come to San Diego. He will arrive in San Diego this evening and
stay until February 14. He is very excited about this trip!
I hope to have him teach the Kalis Ilustrisimo class on Thursday
evening this week.
We will head to Middletown, Connecticut on Friday morning so he
can teach a Kalis Ilustrisimo seminar there, February 5 and 6.
We will head back to San Diego on Monday, February 7. A friend of
his from Manila will join him in San Diego on Tuesday, February 8.
All three of us will travel to Los Angeles to meet with and pay
respects to Guro Dan Inosanto during the week of February 7-11.
And, on Saturday and Sunday, February 12 and 13, Mang Romy
will teach a Kalis Ilustrisimo here at the Harris Academy. This
seminar will be open to everyone. No experience is required to
attend this seminar. This seminar will focus on the Fundamentals
of Kalis Ilustrisimo. Mang Romy will also provide additional
techniques and training method to those who already have
experience with Kalis Ilustrisimo.
Here is what will be covered during the two day, eight hour
Ilustrisimo Theory and History - This will lay your foundation of
understanding, as well as let you know where this unique are
came from.Ilustrisimo Stance - Learn how and where to place your legs,
arms and head, as well as why it is important to place them
exactly where Mang Romy says you should place them.Ilustrisimo Footwork - Learn how and where to place your feet
during a blade encounter. How and where you place your feet will
determine whether or not you get the correct angle, which will
ultimately determine your timing and positioning, which will
ultimately determine who gets cut first!Ilustrisimo Defenses - You will learn many of the basic defenses
in Ilustrisimo that are simple, economical and efficient. If you have
experience in FMA and think you know the roof, shield or cross
blocks, think again. Mang Romy will demonstrate the correct body,
leg, head and arm positioning required to neutralize that piece of
steel that is being swung at your body!Ilustrisimo Follow-up strikes - While there are hundreds of
follow-up strikes a person could perform, it is important to
understand which ones are more important than others. For
example, there are times when head or neck shots would be great,
but are less desirable, inefficient and tactically foolish. Then, there
are times when head or neck shots are necessary. And you must
know the difference between the two. You must also understand
the importance of positioning as it relates to follow up strikes.Ilustrisimo Disarms - Mang Romy will teach you a few live edge
disarms. These disarms are similar to, but different than, the
normal disarms found in "stick fighting methods." I think you will
enjoy the Ilustrisimo methods. I know I do!Ilustrisimo Sword Work - Mang Romy will explain the difference
between sword work and stick fighting. While they may look
similar, they are very different!Ilustrisimo Sword and Dagger Work - Espada y daga training is
an integral part of Kalis Ilustrisimo. During the second day of the
seminar, Mang Romy will introduce you to this unique training
method. How far we get with this training will depend on who is in
attendance and their level of experience.Ilustrisimo Dagger Defense - Ever had a piece of steel swung at
your head of thrusted at your heart or mid-section? Do you know
what to do? Well, the Kalis Ilustrisimo method of edged weapon
disarming is very economical and efficient. Learn the true meaning
of saplit!Questions and answers - During the last fifteen to twenty
minutes of the seminar, you will be allowed to ask questions about
Kalis Ilustrisimo, its history, Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo (the
founder of the system), Tony Diego (the style's current leader),
about Mang Romy himself and his experience with Tatang, Tony
and other seniors.
Additionally, I will show all participants some video footage of
Tatang, Tony and romy.
I will also have several of Mang Romy's swords (live and blunt)
available for sale before and after both seminars.
One last thing: For the first five (5) people to pay for the San Diego
seminar, I will provide each of you with an autographed copy of
"The Secrets of Kalis Ilustrisimo" by Antonio Diego and
Christopher Ricketts. Mang Romy was instrumental in the proofing
and editing of the text for this book.
If you would like to pre-pay for the seminar in San Diego, send a
check or money order for $110 (made payable to Harris
International) to the following address:
Harris International, 8250 Camino Santa Fe, Suite J., San Diego, CA
Good training to all of you,
Roy Harris