Manuwa and jimmo suspensions

Manuwa is out 180 days yet jimmo is out only 7. What the hell you guys? Phone Post 3.0

I'm assuming that Minuwa's is a precautionary suspension pending some sort of tests? 180 is the norm for precautions from injuries that the commission cannot test for on the spot. They can then be cleared asap if a Dr. approves or clears them of that potential injury. 


Can you post a link?

I was just going by UG news. I just found it odd that the fight was due to Jimmo's injury and he's only suspended 7 days. Ha. Phone Post 3.0

Here is what I found:

"Jimi Manuwa: 180 days no fighting, needs x-ray and ultrasound"


So it appears it is as I expected. If the Xray/US come back okay he will be cleared much much sooner. Shit he may even chime in right in this thread. He was posting here yesterday or Monday iirc.